Happy Thoughts

Your happy, positive feelings will attract happy, positive circumstances.

I’m sitting here wondering what can I say about this that hasn’t been said thousands of times before, and I’ve got nothing. I think we all pretty much GET it. I mean it’s not rocket science after all. If you are thinking happy, good positive, thoughts, you’re going to attract happy good, positive things to you. But what do you do when your car breaks down and the repair cost is twice what is in your checking account, and the kids need new school supplies and your hours got cut at work? What then? How in the world are you supposed to have all these happy, positive thoughts when your world is basically imploding around you?

I’ll tell you, it’s NOT easy, but it can be done. Try and find even one sliver of good in all that’s going wrong. Okay, sure your car broke, but at least you have a car. Sure, buying things for your kids for school is a drain on the budget, but you have healthy, happy kids who are going to school and learning. And maybe your hours are being cut at work but you still have a job. Or maybe you can just look outside your window and find beauty and happiness in a bird that is flying by. Whatever it is, find that one happy thought and latch on to it. Then start looking for another one, and another one. Focus on them, not all the other things that are going wrong. Little by little, you’ll find that you’re replacing all that negative energy that’s coursing through your body with happier feelings. Now I’ll be honest, you may not find immediate solutions to all your difficulties, but I’m betting you’ll find that it’s a little bit easier to cope.

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