You are UNIQUE.

Don’t ever forget that you are unique. Be your best self and not an imitation of someone else.

Imitations – I see it every day where I work, and even with people that I know.  Everybody tries to be just like everybody else.  Being different is scary.  I get it, but being different, being unique is also amazing.  There is nobody else quite like you.  But nobody wants to celebrate their uniqueness.  Instead, people try to dress the same and act the same as everyone around them.

When we’re teenagers, we’re supposed to be finding out who we are, but most teens are doing everything in their power not to find out who they are, but to be like everybody else.  As adults, being unique isn’t any easier.  We have to go along to get along, and being different could mean our jobs our friends or even our family.

The best thing a person can do is celebrate the unique individual that they are.  Be true to that person inside of you.  Celebrate YOU