The Sounds of Silence

I recently had somebody ask me if I’ve abandoned this endeavor.  The answer was and is a resounding NO!  They then asked why I hadn’t updated in almost a year.  That answer was a bit more challenging.  There were and are lots of reasons why I haven’t been writing.   I have a new and far more stressful job.  I’m a single parent of teenagers and the taking two and from to their various activities uses up copious amounts of time.  There was also a major addiction to facebook games, lol.  But I’m doing away with that one!  But the two biggest reasons are pretty basic, and perhaps a little bit selfish.  The first being I wasn’t sure what to write about.  I had some ideas, but there was nothing concrete floating around in my brain.  The second reason, well that’s the really selfish one.  I was kind of thinking that nobody cared and I have to be honest.  I’m the type that thrives on positive feedback and reinforcement.  See, selfish.

But today, I was sitting on my couch with the laptop – well on my lap, and I was struck by an epiphany of sorts.  Every Monday thru Friday, I send out a Daily Positive Thought to the email list associated with this website.  I also post it on our twitter account and then I put it on MY facebook page and the facebook page for the website!/pages/Think-Positive-30/176549225721134.  I also have the original Live Journal community which started this whole thing but that’s a place for EVERYBODY to post their own positive thoughts.  The Daily Positive Thought is great.  It’s what this whole thing is about. – something positive to focus on and help people to find the positives in their day.  There is no feedback with it though.  Posting the Daily Positive Thoughts to twitter is cool and there is some feedback in the form of retweets, and the same with the facebook group.  It’s small right now, but there is occasionally someone who “likes” the posts.  I’m taking care of the insane desire for positive reinforcement on my end, but I was still kind of stuck about what exactly to be blogging about and then it hit me – DUH, blog about the Daily Positive Thoughts.  How STUPID could I have been to not think about that before?  But then, my whole goal is to turn negatives into positives, so no, I’m NOT stupid for not thinking of it before.  I wasn’t READY to think about it before.  But I am thinking about it, and more importantly, I’m going to do it.  I’m going to start going back to previous Daily Positive Thoughts and I’m going to start blogging about them.  It will involve backdating blog posts, and I’m going to be up front about that because I do not want anybody to think I’m trying to be deceptive.

So I have a plan and I think it’s a good one.  Hopefully it’s a good one.  Only time will tell.  But I feel better for having it.