Hello Negativity, now go AWAY

Did you ever have one of those days when everything you say is either wrong, or worse, perceived as wrong and you pretty much can’t do anything right (at least in the eyes of others)?  I’m having that day.  Right now, right this very second, I am having that day.  It’s like there are negativity bombs aimed right at me and every singe one of them is scoring a direct hit. 

The question is what can be done about it?  Part of me is sitting here writing this saying NOTHING – nothing can be done, but the bigger, stronger part of me knows there are lots of things that can be done.  The first thing people need to remember when they’re caught in a negativity blitz is NOBODY and I mean nobody can make you feel bad or inferior without your permission.

For every negative comment made to you, take it and turn it around.  If someone says you can’t cook to save your life just think to yourself “I’m a very good cook.” Or if someone is telling you that you can’t do anything right, just tell yourself that “Everything I do comes out just right.”  Keep telling yourself the opposite of what they’re saying.

It could be true that you are indeed the worst cook in America, but having someone nag at you and constantly complain isn’t going to make you a better cook.  If you are, the worst cook in America, acknowledge that fact.  “Yes, I’m not a good cook, but I keep working to try and improve myself.  Would you like to help?” It kind of takes the wind out of their negativity windstorm when you do things like that.

Of course you can always have fun with it and imagine that you’re now a walking talking video game.  See every negative barb that comes your way as a video game bomb, and imagine yourself as a video game super hero shooting them right out of the sky.  Buh-bye negativity!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Kathy

    OMG, it’s like you were evesdropping on my life. That’s what it’s like all the time for me. Thanks for the tips for dealing with it.

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