This is a continuation of my Hello Negativity- now go away post from yesterday. Yesterday, I was bombarded by negative attacks from a person, and I came up with a couple of strategies to deal with the negativity, and they worked for me. I forgot one of the best and most effective strategies though – the Five Things Rule. What is the Five Things Rule? It’s simple. When you are angry with someone, or their working to make your life difficult, or if you’re just in a mood with someone (hey, it happens) list five things about that person that you really like. Write it down, think about it, or even tell them to their face, but find FIVE things about that person that you really like and focus on them. It’s hard to remain mad, or negative when you’re thinking about people’s positive characteristics, and it’s just as difficult to allow their negativity to effect or impact you when you’re making a mental list of their good qualities.