Visualizing and Goal Setting
by Tone it up via The Daily Love
Last week we talked to you about The Power of Visualization and how you make your dreams come true. We also talked about putting those thoughts into actions by creating your Vision Boards. We have featured a bunch of boards that you all sent to us! See the link below 🙂 We LOVED this challenge and it was so much fun to see all of your goals!
Now that you all have your vision boards created, its time to start manifesting! In the past we have been known to ‘wake up on the wrong side of the bed’ and rush into the day without properly preparing our minds. Many of us wake up and instantly start running through a list of ‘to-dos’ and become overwhelmed with stress and anxiety – not an ideal way to start!
It takes a lot of mental focus and determination to live freely and have your desired life. Every morning we want you to wake up and take 10 minutes to meditate and visualize. Now that your vision boards are made, it’s easy to be reminded of what your goals are.
Make sure you are in a quiet place and begin with a few deep breaths. Remember this moment and know that you can come back here in your mind anytime throughout the day to escape or calm your mind. We like to begin by being grateful for all the things we do have…amazing friends, supportive families, a job and a safe home. Then we like to take time to visualize how we would like the present day to unfold. Usually this is starting with our workouts. This is a great time to visualize what your routine will be and how good you will feel afterwards. It’s also important to set your mind on making healthy food choices that will give your body the nourishment it needs! Next we visualize the rest of the day…this could mean career goals we want to achieve, challenges we will overcome and new projects we want to take on. This is also a great time to visualize how you will react to situations or people during your day. We like to remind ourselves of the importance of patience and love on a daily basis. Last we take a few minutes to visualize long term goals that we have on our boards. How we are going to achieve them? This is where the daydreaming begins…aka…making things happen!!
Here’s a post where we put a lot of your vision boards! We know a lot of you are still working on them, so send them along whenever you are finished 🙂 We love all of you!!!
‘You must see your goals clearly and specifically before you can set out for them. Hold them in your mind until they become second nature.’ – Les Brown
Share, Love, Inspire, Sweat.
Karena & Katrina