Triangles of Inner Happiness and Outer Distraction – Chris Cade

by Chris Cade

24 hours in the day. Doesn’t seem like much does it?

Doctors recommend 8 hours of sleep. So we’re down to 16 hours a day.

Most mortals spend at least 3 hours a day buying, preparing and eating food. 13 hours left.

And if you work 9-5… that leaves 5 hours.

Five hours isn’t bad. Sadly, there are probably many people in the world who’d cut off a finger for ONE hour a day of free time. They’d give their whole hand for five hours.

In five hours, you can easily improve the three corners of the Triangle of Inner Happiness…

  1. Develop your body
  2. Optimize your mind
  3. Progress spiritually

…and still have two hours left over for sanding the corners on Triangle of Outer Distraction…

  • TV shows and novels
  • Facebook and Twitter
  • Conversation and socializing

Thing is… most people spend all five hours being distracted.

Life is way too short for too many distractions…

Am I saying you should cancel your internet connection? Should grab some pork and beans move out to cabin in Northern Alaska?

No. Nothing wrong with technology. Nothing wrong with people.

It’s really a matter of what are you doing with people.

Are you working with others to improve yourself and the world around you?

Or are you just “hanging out” or “playing cards’?

Are you using Facebook and email to communicate with like-minded people who can really help grow?

Or are you clicking your way to the grave?

Thing is… the world is designed to keep us as busy as possible just surviving. With what time is left over society quickly fills with distractions.

It’s not easy to liberate oneself. Not with will power alone.

You need a good environment. Good company is key to making the most of the time you’ve got.

Sometimes you can’t change your current circumstances. Many of us dream of moving to some commune with windmills and meditations. But for many it’s not possible. You may be stuck with a family hooked on TV and McDonald’s.

But there’s nothing stopping you from bringing positive company into your home.

How? Reading.

Reading with deep concentration can provide a powerful buffer against the negative influences around us. Be armed with good reading material at all times. You can easily fill idle moments with life-changing guidance.

And having strategies in place to deal with the world’s endlessly clever series of distractions is also crucial. I believe you need to consciously optimize your life if you want to achieve your most important goals.

I’ve compiled 24.5 strategies for freeing up those five hours a day. I use these strategies myself.

Everybody around you is complaining that “there’s no time.”

It’s time to get another opinion.

It’s time to make a new friend.

Check out my digital book, Optimize Your Life:

Click Here To Find Out More

ONE good book can outweigh TEN negative companions.

Your Partner In Transformation,
Chris Cade
Liberate Your Life


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