Shining the Light on a Broken Heart

by Chris Cade

Yesterday I shared how pain is like a hardened shell around our hearts, and when that shell breaks, it doesn’t literally break. It opens up that exterior to reveal the gifts and joy within.

I also promised to share with you my thoughts about that from a “light” perspective.You might think of it this way…

Frequently when in pain, we close our eyes. We cover them. We cower. We hide. We do whatever it takes to avoid feeling the pain. We’re naturally pleasure-seeking-pain-avoiding creatures, so we instinctually do whatever it takes to make the pain go away.

It’s a survival mechanism, and when we were younger it was an important one. As a child, we didn’t have the capacity to deal with pain. The way to get our needs met was by pleasing our caregivers, and it’s a rare family where emotional pain was supported, embraced, and honored.

Instead, most of us learned that pain had to be hidden if we were to get what we want. So we hid our pain. And we still do until we learn how to work with it differently.

The perspective of light gives us that opportunity.

The painful hardened shell is a blockage to light. Like a black hole, nothing can come in as long as the pain is blocking the way. Once the heart breaks, the opening is created.

Then a little bit (or a lot) of light can then illuminate what is within the heart. The heart is not inherently made of pain and hurt. It sometimes feels that way, but that’s because pain and hurt are the blocks we must go through to get ~to~ the real substance that our hearts are made of.

Within the heart is your joy, love, compassion, and other heart-centric qualities.

Why is it then, that even as adults we withdraw from the pain? Even if we might logically know it is revealing our most desired gifts to us, why run from the pain?

It’s because the light is so bright we don’t know what to do with it. It comes in and highLIGHTs all the dark aspects of ourselves we haven’t yet owned, loved, and embraced. That’s not something we’re taught what to do with. There’s no classes in grade school on this.

And so we withdraw.

Even though we know it is that exact light, shining in, that allows us to SEE the joy within.

I like to look at it this way…

Have you ever sat in a very dark room, and then stepped out into bright light? What happens?

Your eyes cower and withdraw. It’s too much light. Your eyes “haven’t adjusted.” It hurts.

When that happens, the pain is not from the light itself. It’s from your perception of the light. Your eyes haven’t adjusted to the light yet. Your eyes will stop hurting as soon as your perception of the light changes.

For most of us who still have our vision intact (or at least well enough with some glasses), we’d agree that we prefer a life of being able to see than a life of blindness.

And so it is with our emotional pain as well.

Rather than trying to get rid of the pain, to reject it, to project it onto others, to suppress it, or to override it with positive thinking, we have a different choice:

To acknowledge it…

To own it…

To appreciate it…

To love it…

To let the light in…

To let the light do its “inside job” and do what it does best…

Illuminate our most precious gifts.

Your Partner In Transformation,
Chris Cade
Liberate Your Life


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