Write in your heart that every day is the best day of the year. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Kind of like the Field of Dreams – if you build it they will come. If you decide that every day is the best day, it will be the best day! Well maybe it’s not quite THAT easy. I do think that if you decide that your day is going to be good, it will make those little bumps and issues a bit easier to tolerate. Our attitudes have a lot of power over us. It’s not going to change external factors, but it does impact how you deal with them. Today in the states it’s what is called “Black Friday.” It is the ultimate shopping day full of people pushing and shoving and grabbing things. In the past, I’ve gone shopping on Black Friday. Some years I’ve gone with an attitude of “lets see what I can find out there,” and some times it’s been with the attitude of “OMG, I HAVE to find this, this and this, and I can only spend x amount of money.” Now guess which times I’ve been more successful. The times I went out and viewed it as an adventure or a lets see what I can find event. I was out there to have fun and experience the whole Black Friday experience, and those were the times that I had fun and got the best deals. The other times when I wasn’t looking forward to it, and had to find specific things or my holidays would be ruined – well they were not fun. It was all in the attitude.