Exonerate – Chris Cade

by Chris Cade

Definition of “Exonerate:”
1. To free from blame.

2. To free from a responsibility, obligation, or task.


The first example is how it’s used in the common context of legal matters. An innocent man exonerated after the evidence proves his case. If a person is lucky, she’ll even be exonerated before she is even charged with a crime.


The second definition is quite interesting in the context of personal transformation. What does it mean to be “free from a responsibility, obligation, or task”?


Consider this…

Your historical programming, your conditioning, your subconscious mind, all are like metaphorical prisons. They lock you into patterns of living the same way day after day. Sure days may vary.

But as long as that inner prison exists, a significant amount of your responses to daily experiences are repetitive and predictable.


In other words, there’s parts of you that feel inherently responsible and obligated to respond to life in a consistent and patterned way. Your Inner Critic is one of those parts of your psyche.


Your Inner Critic thrives on obligation. It uses obligation as a control mechanism to ensure you stay comfortable and small. Your Inner Critic tells you what you have to do, who you have to do it for, how to do it, all if you want to survive (socially or biologically).

It’s also that voice which tells you you’re not good enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough, not loveable enough… it says “you’re just not enough” no matter what you do. The Inner Critic blames you for everything that goes wrong in your life. It even blames you when nothing is going wrong!


The Inner Critic has a vice-grip on most of us… “Damned if you do and damned if you don’t.” It’s a taskmaster that tells you to do one thing one day, and the opposite on another day.

The whole point is that if your Inner Critic can keep you active, confused, conflicted, or judging, then you won’t actually see the Inner Critic for what it is: a figment of your imagination.

These are all ways that your Inner Critic prevents you from making massive changes in your life.


Most of the time we take the Inner Critic ~AS~ ourselves. Many people don’t even realize the critical voice inside their head is not their own.

It’s not. The Inner Critic is just an outdated aspect of ourselves that we don’t need anymore.


So ask yourself this question over the next couple of days…


How would you feel if you were exonerated from your Inner Critic?


Think about it critically.


Feel the answer with your body.


Explore it with your heart.


Then look at some area of your life where you still carry unnecessary blame, responsibility, or obligation. And consider a new possibility…


Consider exonerating yourself.
Your Partner In Transformation,
Chris Cade
Liberate Your Life

P.S. The first definition also applies… your Inner Critic absolutely thrives on blame. Just one more reason to exonerate yourself. 🙂

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