How Do You Measure Success

Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming. – JohnWooden

It was recently mid-term exam week for both my own kids, and at the school where I teach.  Exam week is rough, the schedule is changed, and the students are required to regurgitate everything they learned during the semester in a 2 hour period.  Some people do very well at this, and some people do not, but the one thing I keep telling the kids is that as long as you have done the best you possibly can, you have succeeded.  They don’t quite get that.  They see their exam score, and their final grade, and they deem themselves a success or a failure based upon the number they see on the paper.

A number on  a piece of paper doesn’t make you a success or a failure.  Neither does owning a certain type of car, or having a vast amount of money in your bank account.  Real success comes from within.  It’s the joy you find in knowing you did something to the best of your ability.  Take pride in what you’ve done, and don’t measure it against somebody else’s yardstick.  The true measure of success comes from within.