Live for Today, but Plan for Tomorrow.

Life lived for tomorrow will always be just a day away from being realized. — Leo Buscaglia


You know how I feel about goals and planning for the future.  I am all for it as you see in almost every post I write, including this one.  You cannot underestimate the importance of having goals and a plan to get there.  That doesn’t mean though, that you lose sight of the wonder and beauty of today.  Stop and take a look around, maybe you’ll see a beautiful bird,  two children playing in the sun or a rainbow in the sky.  You’re never going to know what your missing right here and right now unless you stop and take a look around.  Don’t lose sight of your hopes, goals and dreams – ever, but also don’t lose sight of how fantastic right now is.  So while you’re planning for tomorrow, don’t forget to live for today

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Bradley Bland

    Do you ignore the negative side of life?

  2. admin

    Hi Bradley,

    No, I don’t ignore the negative side of life. It exists, to ignore it would be foolish. What I choose to do is to acknowledge the negative, and then move on, and look for ways to make it positive or to find the positive in it. For example, today is a grey, gloomy, rainy day – it’s also my last day of vacation. I can dwell on the yucky weather and my ruined plans, or I can be happy that I now have this time to relax and get everything ready for work – plus, the rain is bringing in a cold front that will get rid of the humidity. So no, don’t ignore – but look for the good things. It makes the negatives so much easier to deal with in my opinion.

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