by Chris cade
That may sound overly simplistic, but it’s true. Just four simple steps will guarantee success in any aspect of life.
All you have to do is…
- Know what you really want (your goals)
- Take action towards your goals
- Notice what results you’re getting
- Correct your course whenever you notice things are not working
Of course like any great spiritual truth, knowing the steps is easy. Living them… not so much. For example: How do you figure out what you really want? And what if you’re finding it difficult to take action? Or even worse, taking the wrong kinds of actions towards your goals?
My personal experience is that the above steps correlate with very specific aspects of our development.
- Knowing your desires comes from self awareness
- Taking action happens naturally when self-sabotaging subconscious blockages have been removed
- Noticing results comes again from self awareness
- Correcting course happens naturally when self-sabotaging subconscious blockages have been removed
In other words, you can sum up success into two basic principles:
Cultivate self-awareness and remove subconscious blockages that cause you to sabotage your own best-efforts.