If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won’t you most assuredly won’t. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad.~ Denis Waitley
A few years ago, my kids participated in a tae kwon do tournament, and one of the events was entitled creative forms. In this event, you dressed up in costume, and performed a martial arts form to music. One particular woman used music from The Polar Express and at the end, held up a wooden sign that read “BELIEVE.” Now my kids, to this day, still laugh about how odd it looked, but guess what? She took first place. Because she believed. She didn’t care about how she looked or how others perceived what she was doing. She went out there and gave it her all and believed in herself.
Believing in yourself is what is going to get it done. Conversely, if you believe you can’t, you most definitely will not be able to do whatever it is you are undertaking. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy in a way. And to my way of thinking, if you are going to tip the scales one way or the other, why not tip them in your favor? Believe in yourself. Know that you can do it, achieve it, become it, have it and do it. Whatever IT may be. Just believe in yourself and your ability to succeed.