When we seek out the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves. William Arthur Ward
Far too often, we spend our time finding fault with others – we focus on the negatives and the things in others that annoy us. Unfortunately, when we focus on the negatives of others, it tends to bring out the negatives in us as well.
People are going to do things that annoy us, just as we are going to do things that annoy other people. I’d like to challenge people to try something. When they are faced with someone who is just rubbing them the wrong way, instead of focusing on the things that bug us, make a list of good things about that person. Maybe they have a fantastic smile, or they are very knowledgeable about a particular subject, or they have a unique and quirky sense of humor.
Don’t dwell on their negatives focus on the positives. It stands to reason that when you focus on negative things, you attract negative things to you, that when you focus on negative characteristics in others, you are bringing your negative characteristics to the forefront.
You are not going to love everybody or have an affinity with every person you meet, but when you work to find the good in others, you’ll certainly find the good in you.