Beyond Our Illusions – contest

Beyond Our Illusions

The key to using Universal Laws to transform your life – by Deborah Sless

Hi Everyone – big news.  I have been asked to  review Beyond our Illusions:  The key to using Universal Laws to transform your life by Deborah Sless.  The book is phenomenal, and I’m on my second reading before I begin writing my review.

The publishers of Beyond Our Illusions have been generous enough to donate several copies for me to give away.  When I post the review, you will be invited to comment and share why you want to receive a copy, AND you will be invited to submit your own review, and/or write a guest post on Think Positive 30.  Winners will be chosen at random from all the comments posted.

From the book jacket:

Despite following the advice of a wealth of bestselling self-help books, most of us are still no closer to understanding the fundamental laws and principles that govern the universe, our interactions within it and our ability to achieve success, health, wealth and happiness.

Have you ever wondered why the Law of Attraction isn’t working for you? There is a very rational reason why.

Quite simply, the Universal Laws CANNOT work in our favour until  we identify and remove the psychological issues that are blocking our ability to manifest our gals and desires.

In her ground-breaking and easy-to-understand book UKCP and BACP accredited psychotherapist Deborah Sless uses the concrete psychological theory of Transactional Analysis to uncover the secrets behind the Universal Laws and explain how they really work. By joining her on this journey of self-discovery, readers will begin to understand:

  • The Universal Laws and their significance in our daily lives
  • Our own individual Life Story and the beliefs we formed n childhood that continue to impact us today
  • How to achieve freedom from our illusions and move toward genuine self development
  • The concept of Spirit ans an energy force and how to tap into it.

Debora Sless’s accessible and straightforward approach draws on more than 20 years experience in private psychotherapy practice and spiritual counseling.  In Beyond Our Illusions, she provides readers with the tools and framework they need – through clear explanations, examples and exercises – to begin a journey of discovery, change and fulfilment.

Press Release:

There IS a reason why.


Discover the secret to making the Universal Laws actually work for you!



Beyond Our Illusions

Deborah Sless


Published by Live It Publishing on 1 August at [RRP]; paperback


Those of us interested in spirituality and personal development have long been familiar with the idea that certain fundamental laws and principles govern the universe and our interactions within it. And once we have a knowledge of these Universal Laws, we can use them to make the changes we want and need to achieve the fulfilment in life we are seeking.


However, despite following the advice of a wealth of bestselling self-help manuals, most of us are still struggling to make the Universal Laws work for us. WHY is that?


The answer is simple: The Universal Laws cannot work in our favour until we identify and remove the psychological issues that are preventing the movements we desire.


Using the concrete psychological theory of Transactional Analysis (TA), psychotherapist Deborah Sless has worked with hundreds of clients in private practice to explain this process and guide them through the journey of self discovery toward fulfilment. In her groundbreaking and easy-to-understand book, BEYOND OUR ILLUSIONS, she tackles the Universal Laws head on and explores the following:


  • The concept of the Universal Laws and their significance – what they are and how they impact our lives


  • Understanding our own individual Life Story, written by us as children, and the beliefs that we have formed in our childhood


  • How to explore our beliefs and illusions and identify which among them are out-dated and holding us back


  • Achieving freedom – or autonomy – from our illusions and mastering our self


  • The concept of Spirit as an energy force, accessible to those of all religions, and how to tap into it


Genuine self-development is not easy but Deborah Sless provides her readers with the tools and framework they need – through clear explanations, examples and exercises – to begin a journey of discovery and change. All she is asks of her readers is an open mind and the desire to learn.


Deborah Sless is available for interview.

For more information, please contact:

Sophie Mitchell, 07766 694 638 /

A Word from the Author:

Why I Wrote Beyond Our Illusions

In the latter half of the 1990s, I was introduced to modern spirituality. It was during this time that I began, like many people, to learn about the presence of Universal Laws. I found what I read fascinating, but I was very sceptical as to their validity. It was difficult to find any material that went into any depth about the Laws. Most of the time a Law was mentioned in passing, but without an explanation: it was only written as a statement.


I had found, and still do find, some spiritual ideas difficult to believe in, but I do believe that there are things beyond our current understanding and therefore I try to keep an open mind. So were the sayings ‘ask and you shall be given’ or ‘as you believe so it becomes’ really true?


There were a few books around that mentioned certain Laws, such as the Law of Belief or Law of Attraction, which I learnt later, are sub-Laws of the Master Law of Cause and Effect. Some of my clients were also reading these books. Over a period of time my clients brought to their therapy sessions questions related to their reading about Universal Laws. In particular my clients could not understand the reasons for the Universal Laws not working in their favour despite following what it said in the book(s). These clients believed they were doing it right and now wanted to know what they were doing wrong.


I found myself gradually answering their questions by explaining how their psychological issues were preventing the movement they were seeking. I showed them how these issues were manifesting the situations or conditions they wanted to change. I soon realised that I was using theoretical concepts of Transactional Analysis (TA) to fully explain the process my clients were experiencing.


I became very excited by the realisation that I could prove the wisdom held in some of these spiritual principles by concrete psychological thinking!

—Deborah Sless


This Post Has 2 Comments


    Having read this I believed it was extremely enlightening.
    I appreciate you taking the time and energy to put this article together.
    I once again find myself personally spending way
    too much time both reading and commenting. But so what, it was still
    worth it!

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