Find a Way, Not an Excuse

A man who wants something will find a way; a man who doesn’t will find an excuse. – Stephen Dolley Jr.

I am the queen of excuses, and a master procrastinator.  I don’t think I’m too different from a lot of people in that way.  Finding excuses is a thousand times easier than putting yourself out there and reaching for the brass ring.  But there comes a time in your life when you have to stop making excuses and finding reasons NOT to try and just go out there and do it.

I recently hit one of those times in my life.  I’m not going to go into what I’m doing – I’m not ready to share it here, but I do want to talk about the process.  I was hit smack in the face with an opportunity, IF I laid some ground work.  I had two choices, do it, or don’t do it.  My typical modus operandi would be delay until the last second before laying that ground work if I did it at all.  This time, I made a different choice – I took that first step and amazingly enough, it opened up this amazing new opportunity for me.  Then there was another choice – take that amazing opportunity, or don’t.  I took it and I’m making huge gains.  Do I still mess up and make excuses as to why I haven’t accomplished one of the mini goals I’m setting?  Of course I do….I’m a work in process after all – as we all are.

So find that thing you really want to work toward, find your own personal brass ring and reach out for it.  Find the way, don’t make an excuse.  You can do it.