Where to Make the Change

Very often a change of self is needed more than a change of scene…~ Arthur Christopher Benson

How many of us have ever had an argument or disagreement with somebody and decided to go for a walk to cool off?  I know I have, in fact, I did it just yesterday.  I changed my location, but the underlying problem still existed.  It’s not fixed.  I avoided it.  What good is that?  Wouldn’t it be better to look at the problem at hand, face it head on?  I think the answer to that is yes, but so often, we don’t do that.

It’s so much harder to take a good look at yourself and see what needs to be changed.  It’s easier to say it’s the fault of somebody else rather than to accept responsibility for what may have happened.  We are CHAMPS at working to change our outsides.  We have diets and gym memberships, tanning, stylists and plastic surgeons to change what our outsides look like.  What would we be like if we spent half as much time on changing our outsides and changing our insides instead?