Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.~ St. Francis of Assisi
I was going to blog about this quote, because honestly, it’s a great quote. If you break the impossible down into smaller chunks and start with what you can do, you’ll find that the impossible becomes possible.
That’s what I WAS going to blog about, but instead I’m going to talk about life. Life and how it seems so incredibly overwhelming and how incredibly difficult it can be to remain positive when you’re faced with the everyday frustrations that seem to crop up with annoying regularity.
I’m going through such a period right now, and if I’m not going to talk the talk and walk the walk, how can I, in good conscience, expect others to do it? I actually posted on my personal twitter acount that i was jumping off the positivity train and and climbing on the life sucks bus. This is NOT the attitude of a positive person by any stretch of the imagination. I’d like to say it was a momentary aberration, but the mood has persisted for a couple of days.
This is where the opportunity to make a choice comes in. I can choose to keep dwelling on this negative mood that I’m in, allowing it to consume me, or I can acknowledge it and then keep looking for positive things to hopefully override it.
I’m going to be honest, I’m struggling, but I’m working at it. The trick is, no matter what, don’t stop trying. It’s not easy, but it can be done. I know it! I’m having a hard time believing it, but I am trying.
What are your tricks to get you out of the dumps?