There are many answers you have received but have not yet heard. – A Course In Miracles
I’m sure you’ve heard of the expression, “You can’t see the forest for the trees.” Well this is the same concept. How many times have you had a discussion with someone, and you feel like that while they’re hearing what you’re saying, they’re not actually listening to what you’re saying? I think we’ve all experienced that feeling, and I think we’ve all probably done it to other people. We need to really work on listening to what other people are saying, but more importantly, you need to listen to the most important person in your world – YOURSELF.
You know that voice that pops up inside of you and tells you to do something, or to not do something? That voice has all the answers to every question you’ve ever had, or ever will have. You just need to learn to listen to it. Stop doubting yourself and your intuition and really listen.