Help Me Help My Students

I am not a huge go fund me person. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve donated to plenty of go fund me campaigns, and yes, I’ve even dreamed of creating one to get rid of my incredible student loan debt, but I’ve never felt comfortable doing it. Like I said, I support others and have donated plenty, but doing it for myself has felt akin to begging. Well that changed today – kind of. There is an amazing curriculum I want to get for my students, but it costs over $2200.00 – I cannot afford to pay for that, and neither can my school or my school district. So I decided to bite the bullet so to speak and start my very own GoFundMe campaign to get this curriculum. It’s an amazing program, teaching many character traits including integrity, tolerance, gratitude, courage, perseverance, honesty and respect. The Character Development & Leadership Curriculum utilizes a consistent set of 10 lesson plans to teach each of the 18 character trait modules. This is both the simplicity and the beauty of this curriculum. It’s what the teachers love and the students come to rely on. Once the students understand the 10 lesson plans, they know what to expect, which provides consistency. At the same time, one ethical dilemma (for example) doesn’t look like the next, so each lesson plan is unique and fresh. It is easily modifiable to work with different learning and teaching styles, and will really benefit my students. I would absolutely love it if people would consider donating and sharing the campaign on their various social media platforms.
