I just too a mini course on money mapping and working through your blocks about money. I’m going to be honest, I didn’t really think I had any money blocks. It turns out I was wrong. I have blocks, and I think we all do. This class focused on using tapping (EFT) to work though the blocks. I’d heard about tapping, i read about it, and I was interested, but I never really did it. I am now, and I’m loving it, and I’d love to hear about other people’s thoughts on tapping and success stories etc. But what i want to talk about are the blocks. Blocks can take many forms, and limiting beliefs can come from almost anywhere. I have a LOT of student loan debt, and even though I never realized it before, it makes me feel like a complete loser (talk about a block lol.) I’ve made money mistakes, but that doesn’t make me a loser. I used to feel like getting out of debt was hopeless, but it’s not. I just need to get rid of the blocks – that’s where the tapping comes in. It may not be for everyone, and that’s okay, but it is for me, and that’s okay too.
But in the class we started talking about the Law of Attraction and attracting money into our lives. I commented that I can attract little things like a parking space with no problems but I struggle with the big things. I think a lot of us do. Well the instructor asked me something. What do I do when a friend offers to pick up the tab when we’re out, or invites me for a meal or something. Well, I automatically say no, or insist on paying for my portion. Guess what people, that is a block. You are NOT allowing money to come to you. You are NOT expressing gratitude. You are shutting down that money coming to you when you do this. Learn to accept things like this with ease and gratitude. Let them come into your life and the bigger things will start coming as well.
You deserve abundance, you deserve to live the life of your dreams, but if you continue to put up these blocks, its never going to happen. Take a good look at who you are and what your beliefs are, and more importantly what those limiting beliefs are. If your dad said things like “Money doesn’t grow on trees you know,” I promise you, that has worked it’s way into your subconscious and had become a limiting belief for you. No, money does NOT grow on trees, he was right about that, but there is plenty of money in the world, and you need to be open to getting some. You can use the Law of Attraction, you can manifest the things into your life that you desire. You have to believe it, and you have to ALLOW it! Once you take these steps, I think you’re going to find amazing things happening in your life.
I’d like to hear what you have to say on the topic, please weigh in with your thoughts and opinions in the comment section below.