You are Strong

I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me. – Joshua Graham

Sometimes it can seem like your life is just exploding around you.  When that happens, it can feel like you’re literally being consumed by the flames.  The easiest think in the world would be to just give up, and let those flames consume you.  But the funny thing about fire is, if there is another, stronger fire, it tends to eat up all the fuel that the first fire needs, leaving it with no place to go.  Deep inside of you is that spark that can be fanned into the second fire – let it build up and burn all the negativity, drama and badness that is all around you.  If that’s too much fire for you, think about yourself as being the phoenix that rises up from those flames stronger than ever before.  I could come up with a few more metaphors for you, but I think you get what I’m saying.  No matter how much life may throw at you, no matter how much drama or stress, you need to remember one really important thing.  You are so much stronger than all of that.  You have these inner reserves of strength inside of you that will get you through it!  And not only will you get through it, you will be tempered by it can come out the other side stronger than ever before.