Write Your Story – Challenge Day 1

The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals. – Melody Beattie

I love the idea of the new year being a book.  It has twelve chapters  and each chapter has at least 28 pages.  Every day is a new page, a new opportunity to craft the story of your life.  On one hand, it sounds super exciting, but on the other hand, it’s incredibly daunting.  Where do you start, how do you begin?  Simple, you start with day 1, page 1 and with a goal.  Goals can be big and far reaching, but goals can be small too.  And sometimes it’s good to start out with a small goal.  For instance, I have 3 goals for today.  My first goal is to finish this blog post 🙂  My second goal is to verbally express gratitude at least 3 times during the day.  My third goal (and don’t laugh) is to make French Toast for breakfast.  Yes, French Toast.  I’ve been trying all vacation week to make it, and it just hasn’t happened.  I have other, longer term goals too, but like I said, not every goal has to be far reaching.

Starting small is okay, and you know what else is okay?  Not achieving your goal.  Suppose I don’t get to make my French Toast tomorrow for breakfast?  Is the world going to end?  Probably not. If it doesn’t happen, I can just regroup and maybe make it for lunch, or better yet, for dinner.  That’s the awesome thing about goals, you can revise them whenever you want, because the are your goals.  That is also the very awesome thing about writing your own life story.  It’s YOURS!  You are the author, and nobody gets to tell you what your story is going to contain, or how it’s going to end.  You’re the one controlling it. So start your story today.  Start with Chapter 1, page 1 and a goal.  And when December 31, 2018 rolls around, you’ll have your own personal novel.

Thanks for joining in on the challenge.  Feel free to leave your positive thought below in the comment section, or on our facebook page or on the live journal community page.  I can’t wait to read your positive thoughts.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. admin

    Commenting to say – Goal 1 was met and the French Toast was delish!

  2. Ted

    I love the idea of it being a book. Of course, writing can be kind of scary! I had a nice relaxing New Year’s Day today. And I’m enjoying the thought of more snow this week!

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