Imagine, Achieve, Dream, Become – Challenge Day 25

If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it. – William Arthur Ward.

Imagination is where it starts.  It’s probably the most important thing you can do.  Allow yourself to let your mind roam free.  Imagining and imagine, achieve, dream, becomedreaming are skills, and they take practice.  And hey, if you’re going to have to practice something, why not practice dreaming!  So practice dreaming, because that’s where it begins.  And from the dreaming comes the achieving.  You can’t and won’t ever achieve anything unless you think (dream) about it first!  So allow yourself the gift of imagination and make your dreams as big as they can be.  Open yourself up to the possibilities and then watch those possibilities become realities.

I’ve always had a very active imagination, sometimes a little too active, according to my teachers.  I can slip into a daydream at the drop of a hat, and my grades in school sometimes reflected that. So while I will encourage everybody to dream and develop their imagination, I’ll also toss in the caveat of don’t get lost in your dreams.  We still need to function and live in the real world.  So yes, dream, and dream big, but don’t forget to live as well!