Being Thankful Really Does Help

Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. – John F. Kennedy

I know today’s quote is about change, I want to start out talking about being thankful.  Being thankful really does help.  I talked about it in yesterday’s blog post, but today I experienced it first hand.  And actually it kind of goes hand in hand with today’s quote about change.

being thankful really does helpI woke up today super sad.  I’ve been holding on to something from my past.  I just haven’t been able to let it go. Logically I know doing this is really stupid, but logic doesn’t often play a part when it comes to emotions.

So anyhow, I woke up super sad, and holding on tightly to this memory of the past.  Holding on to it isn’t doing me any good (obviously) and it isn’t going to change anything.  I’ve tried letting go of it in the past, but it never worked.  So this morning, I decided to try something different.

Today, I looked at what I was holding on to, and I forced myself to think about the good and bad things that were associated with that memory.  Then I went one step further and I worked on being thankful for the good, AND for the bad.  It’s easy to be thankful for the good stuff, but being thankful for the bad.  THAT was tough.

Why be thankful for the bad?  Because it happened, and I can learn from it.  I decided to take the unhappy feelings and memories and be thankful for what I learned from them.  Guess what, it worked!  Being thankful really does help.  And now, I’m going to start on the change portion of the program.  I don’t want to remain stagnant.  Where I am regarding this particular memory stinks.  Who in their right mind wants to stay where it stinks?  Not me, so I’m going to work on the change, and it’s starting by being thankful.