Learn and Grow

A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions. – Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.


When I read this quote last night, I absolutely fell in love with it.  I love learning new things.  To me, my soul purpose in life is to learn and grow. It learn and growwas my primary reason for becoming a teacher.  What better reason to keep learning than to share knowledge?

I seriously thought everybody was like this.  Even when I was a kid in school, and there were kids who didn’t do work.  I just assumed that they were showing off, and secretly, they loved to learn.  Well I’m a grown up now, and sadly, I have learned that there are far too many people in this world who not only don’t want to learn, they are quite content to remain in their tiny little world and never expand their minds.

To me that is incredibly sad.  I prefer to grow and learn. To broaden my horizons and my mind.  That’s the cool thing about knowledge and experiences.  Once you have them, they are yours forever.  Nobody can take them away from you.  And every scrap of knowledge you acquire, every new experience you have, changes the person you are.  It’s one more step toward the person you can become.  Spend your life learning new things and trying new things.  Continue to learn and grow – continue to live!