Don’t Just Say It, Do It

There’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. – Morpheus

Oh how guilty I am of this.  I’ve talked before, quite often actually about walking the talk.  In other words, don’t just say it, do it.  The only problem is, I don’t always do that.  I have responsibilities, and I’m well aware of them.  I know the time lines, I know the consequences if the timelines aren’t met, yet sometimes, I just won’t do them.

don't just say it, do itSometimes, you do just have to say what the heck and let things slide.  Take this blog for example.  I sometimes have to do blog posts way later than I want to, and sometimes I have to just not do them.  But that’s because another, more pressing responsibility has reared it’s ugly head.  That responsibility is called my job.  So yeah I get that sometimes things happen.

But today, I have nothing on tap, no pressing responsibilities.  Laundry is done, grocery shopping is done, and I don’t have work.  What I should be doing is the reading for the class I’m taking.  What I’m doing is anything but.  I can say all day that I have to do it, but again it’s a case of don’t just say it, do it.

Life is a lot like that.  We have all these grand ideas and plans, but until we put them into motion they’re nothing.  So today, I want you to think about one of those grand plans you have.  Maybe it’s a healthy eating plan, or exercising.  Maybe it’s doing homework, or writing in your journal.  Think about something you’ve thought about doing, and planned on doing and just never did it.  Then take that first step.  Do just one thing that will bring you closer to that goal.  Don’t just say it, do it.