Get Out of the Shadows

Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one’s own sunshine. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Do we really stand in our own sunshine?  What does that even mean?  I’ve been thinking about it a lot today as I was whining and bitching about some work that I have to get done for a class that I’m taking.  I started thinking about what is my sunshine.  Well, the ability to take the class, and learn is get out of the shadowscertainly pretty strong sunshine.  I’m done with the whining (for now anyhow).  I’m going to get out of the shadows, and so should you.

Standing in your sunshine is kind of like doubting yourself, or coming down on yourself. It’s when you say you can’t, or call yourself stupid or criticize yourself for making a mistake.  That’s standing in your own sunshine.  At least in my mind it is.  But you need to stop that and get out of the shadows.

Stop standing in your own sunshine.  Let it shine down on you and warm you and fill you with light.  Let it dazzle you and the world around you.  You won’t have to worry about if you can get out of the shadows.  When you stop blocking your own sunshine, the light that shines out from you will light the world.