Make the Most Of It

This moment, this day, is as good as any moment in all eternity. I shall make of this day, each moment of this day, a heaven on earth. This is my day of opportunity. ~ Dan Custer

make the most of itThis second right now is the only thing you’re guaranteed to have, so make the most of it.  Yesterday is the past, and while it’s okay to remember it and learn from it, it’s over.  There is no promise of a future.  There is only today, there is only right now.

So if the only thing you’re sure of is this moment, this day, why not make the most of it.  Live this moment to it’s fullest, and try to cram as much living into it as possible.  Don’t just coast through your day.  You’re not promised anything, or any time but now.

Make the most of it.  It’s simple advice, really, and yet I see people (myself included) squandering their precious gift of  time.  Instead of coasting, dive right in.  Take that moment or that day and seize it with both hands.  Every task you undertake, pursue it with passion.  Put everything you have into it, and then push yourself a little bit further.  Make the most of it because you don’t know if there will be another one.  Make the most of it because it is your day of opportunity.