Attitude Matters

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; and nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.~ Thomas Jefferson

Your attitude matters so much.  When you are thinking positive, you can move mountains and when you are thinking negatively, it can feel like the mountain is falling down on top of you.

My son is away for training, and he was feeling kind of down about some of it. And the more he talked to me, the deeper his funk, until I finally called him out on it.  We talked a lot about attitude.  I told him he needed to make a choice.  He could keep thinking negatively, and I could pretty much guarantee that the rest of his training would be negative.  But if he started thinking about things getting better, and finding good things, then things would probably get better.  Attitude matters!

Focus on the good things around you. Focus on the progress you are making, even if it’s small, baby steps.  Keep your attitude positive and you will move that mountain and reach your goals.  Remember, attitude matters.