What’s Meant to be Yours Will Come to You

I just read the most amazing article on Thought Catalog by Marisa Donnelly.  It’s called What’s Meant to be Will Come to You.

I am a fighter. I fight time. I fight God’s plan. I fight things that don’t make sense to me right away. I fight back against whatever doesn’t sit right. Because I get scared when things don’t fall perfectly into place. I get nervous when I don’t hear God’s voice whispering to me. I get anxious when I can’t take matters into my own hands, have them make sense.

But how often do we fight a losing battle? How often do we push back against a world that isn’t quite ready to share with us what we desire it to? How many times have we tried to rush, push, make things go our way?

And how many of those times have we failed?

What I’ve learned, over and over again, is that what’s supposed to be mine will come, what’s meant to be will fall into place, what’s right will feel right and I won’t have to force it…… read the rest of the article here at Thought Catalog

It’s an excellent read, and I urge you all to check it out.  Life should flow – we shouldn’t force it!