What’s Been Going On

This was originally posted on my personal blog Well Color Me V=Back in December, I got sick. I thought it was just a sinus infection. The doctor gave me meds and it went away. All was well in my world, or so I thought. Less than a month later, the sinus infection along with a horrible cough was back. The doctors were reluctant to give me another antibiotic, which I get, because they don't want to over prescribe. They gave me cough medicine with codeine, and Benzonatate, neither of which did jack for my cough. I was miserable, people I work with were sick of listening to me cough all day long, and my family was over hearing me cough all night long. Back to the doctor I went and they decided that another antibiotic was indeed in order. Again, it worked and all was well in my world. Until the cough came back with a vengeance. Nothing was touching this cough. I ate cough drop after cough drop, I tried using a neti pot, over the counter cough remedies and home remedies. And still my cough remained, so back to the doctor I went. They decided that the best…

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Changing your life

I am all about making changes in my life.  I have tons of great ideas about things I want to do to change my life.  I may not be so great with the follow through, but that's a blog for another day.  Anyhow, back to changing your life.  We all have different vehicles we use to bring about change in our lives.  This website is one of mine.  But I recently read an amazing article about changing your life.  It's written by Kathleen McGovern, and it's called.  How To Change Your Life With One Word.  Ms. McGovern says a lot of great things in her article, but this stands out for me....you need clarity and sustained focus over time. The whole article is great, and I encourage you to read it here, but that one phrase really resonates.  You can't exercise once and then be healthy or cut back on the junk food for a day and be skinny (oh how I wish that were true).  Nor can you pick up a book and look at it once and think you'll be prepared for a test the next day. Changing your life takes time and focus, but there are some…

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My Book is Available on Amazon! Let’s Celebrate!!

I have some really exciting news to share.  My new book Thinking Positive: Take the Journey to Positivity is available on amazon.come. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with negativity, one of the best things we can do is to think in a positive manner. Thinking Positive: Take the Journey into Positivity will provide you with tips, tricks and tools to develop a more positive outlook.  To say I'm excited is an understatement.  I can't wait for you to read it and let me know what you think!

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Let’s Connect

Hi Everyone - I'm really hoping to start some meaningful conversations around the topic of positive thinking.  I've started a facebook group which you can find here to us as a forum for people to talk about positive thinking.  I want to hear what works for people and what doesn't.  I think we all have a lot to share and we can really help one another.  Watching the news and reading the paper, I see so much negativity in this world, and I want to combat it, with one positive thought at a time.  But I need help.  I need YOUR help. So why not stop by and share a tip or a trick, or ask a question.

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I Love Ted

Yesterday, I was scrolling through Facebook when I came across a Ted Talk by Susan David. I watched it, and really enjoyed it, and then I moved on to something else. But I didn't stop thinking about it. It was percolating in the back of my mind as I connected it to this, that, and the other, including a blog post I wrote this week.  Dr. David, of course, spoke far more eloquently than I wrote, and I really think it's worth watching.  So press play, and then let me know what you think :)

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Just in Case

I came across this image today, and I promptly shared it everywhere.  I think we should all read it to yourselves or say it to ourselves every morning. In case you forgot to remind yourself this morning...your butt is perfect. Your smile lights up the room. Your mind is insanely cool. You are way more than enough, and you are doing an amazing job at life. I know I've blogged about this before, but we are our own worst enemy.  Seriously!  I don't know about you, but I wouldn't talk to my worst enemy the way I talk to myself.  My internal monologues are filled with disgust about myself, my life, my eating habits, my laziness, basically, my everything.  Let's just take eating habits for a second.  Yeah, my eating habits are not the greatest, but neither are the eating habits of a lot of other people.  There will be times when we'll be pigging out on junk food and someone will comment on how bad they are eating or how much weight they need to lose.   To them I will say supportive things. "It's okay to take a break from eating healthy," or "Splurge today and get right back…

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The Power of Positivity: Amy’s Story

Today's guest post is by Constance Ray of RecoveryWell.org “I'm so grateful to be set free from living a fear-driven life and carrying the burdens of that fear and worry. I am so thankful that I am happy the majority of the time today.” - Annette, Sobriety Advocate Depression and addiction are serious illnesses that affect millions of people — and sometimes, they work together to make someone’s life completely unbearable. And while it’s important to receive treatment for these conditions, whether on their own or as co-occurring disorders, the power of positive thinking can go a long way in helping people find their way back from despair. Amy, a brave addiction warrior, is proof that dancing in the rain is an effective first step in making a positive and permanent life change.   ***   Amy started struggling with mental health issues when she was just a little girl.   “From a young age, I started having panic attacks,” she said. “I was in and out of the doctors’ offices, and eventually diagnosed with depression and panic disorder.”   Though her parents worked hard to get her the help she needed, she still suffered some dark times during her adolescence.…

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The Secret of Deliberate Creation

Have you ever wondered why the Law of Attraction isn't working well for you?  You've watched the video, you've read the book, in fact you've read many books and still you struggle.  It's an exercise in frustration.  You're living in default mode instead of design mode.  You're conditioned to have low, or even empty expectations, but you cannot achieve success by slapping positive thoughts on top of empty expectations.  Trust me, I know.  I was banging my head against the wall.  I'm Joe positive...I'm always thinking positive and looking for the good everywhere and in everything.  But then I learned about The Secret of Deliberate Creation.  Dr. Robert Anthony breaks it all down and helps you to work through the roadblocks that are sabotaging your success.  If you want to learn more about this fantastic program, Click Here!  Give yourself permission to TAKE BACK YOUR LIFE, and start manifesting your heart's desire.

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What Follows YOUR I Am?

I just read an amazing article at YourTango.com - here is a brief snippit of it and a link to the complete article - it's really good, I suggest you check it out, and more importantly - change your I Am statements. Whatever Follows Your "I AM" Is What You Attract Into Your Life by RJ Banks It's all about the law of attraction. Do any of these statements sound familiar? "I'm so broke." "I'm so tired." "I'm so stupid," And the list goes on... Whether you know it or not, or like it or not, you're reciting affirmations for your subconscious mind to program your beliefs about yourself and your life. Unfortunately, negative affirmations are just as effective in our lives as positive affirmations.......  Continue reading HERE

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