Being Grateful

Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy -- because we will always want to have something else or something more. ~ David Steindl-Rast Being grateful isn't something that the average person thinks about too much. Most people go about their lives, going to work, paying their bills, and spending time with family and friends.  Lather, rinse, repeat.  It's an endless, and sometimes monotonous cycle. Unfortunately, in that cycle we tend to overlook all the wonderful things for which we should be displaying gratitude. Every day is a gift and being grateful is something we should do for every single day.  I'll be the first to admit that while I love my job, I'd be super happy to be independently wealthy and never have to go there again. But I practice being grateful for that job every day.  I especially practice being grateful when I'm having a bad day.  Why? Because I am lucky enough to have a job when there are so many people in the world who are struggling to find work. Being grateful…

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Healing may not be so much about getting better, as of letting go of anything that isn't you - all of the expectations, all of the beliefs - and becoming who you truly are. - Rachel Naomi Remen There is a lot of talk about healing - healing your soul, healing your heart, healing your inner child.  What the heck does all of it mean? I really like the way this quote lays it all out. Maybe we heal ourselves when we let go of all the expectations that the world has laid out for us.  We get so busy trying to be what everybody else wants and needs that we don't ever get the chance to be who we are supposed to be. It's only that when we let go of all the "stuff" or expectations that everyone has laid out for us and we truly get to live our own lives can we truly heal. Think about it for a second, when do you feel truly at your best? I'm betting it's when you're being completely and totally true to yourself. When you get to be the you that you want to be, that's when the healing begins.

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A Firm Foundation

If you have built castles in the air your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them. - Henry David Thoreau Personally, I love the idea that you can build castles in the air. You just need to put a firm foundation underneath them.  Castles in the air; it's just another term for a dream.  Dreams don't come with a firm foundation. Dreams come with a lot of things, but they don't come with a foundation.  If they did, they'd be goals that you achieved. Dreams, or castles in the air, are a chance for your mind to soar freely, flitting from here to there over various ideas, some getting bigger and some getting smaller, until finally they crystalize  into into a goal. When you have the goal and begin to work toward it, that is when you build a firm foundation under your castle in the air.

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Motivate Yourself

When you're trying to motivate yourself, appreciate the fact that you're even thinking about making a change. And as you move forward, allow yourself to be good enough. - Alice Domar There is just something about Fridays that I can't seem to write this post.  But we're not talking about me and my poor time management skills.  We're talking about what it takes to motivate yourself. Most of us try to motivate ourselves to do something that will improve ourselves.  Maybe eat better, or work out, or polish up the resume or get out of a relationship that isn't working. What it is your doing doesn't matter.  What matters is the fact that you are trying. That trying starts with a thought, or an idea.  It has to start somewhere, and it starts in your head.  It doesn't matter what change you're thinking about making the first step starts with you thinking about it.  From there you have to motivate yourself to do it.  Celebrate the fact that you're thinking about it , because that's the first step, and that's usually the hardest one.

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Validate Yourself

You are GOOD enough, SMART enough, FINE enough, and STRONG enough. You don’t need other people to validate you; you’re already valuable. - Marc & Angel There used to be a segment on Saturday Night Live, Al Franken played a character called Stuart Smalley and he did a daily affirmation.  Yes it was a comedy bit, but it was great because you need to validate yourself.  Your validation shouldn't come from anybody else! I say it shouldn't, but we almost always look to others to validate who we are, and what we're doing, and I'm not really sure why we do that.  Imagine how great our lives would be if the only opinion that mattered to you was your own.  You could wear what you like, dress for comfort, not fashion!  And how great would it be to see boys not walking around with their pants hanging down around their crotches, or girls wearing their hair in a style that suited them rather than one that suited some super model. The thing is, you are a great person in your own right. Don't get me wrong, it's great to have other people compliment you.  It does wonders for the self-esteem…

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Just Flip It

You can solve a problem with the same mind that created it. - Dr. Wayne Dyer Just flip it. I bet you're wondering what that even means.  Well, it's quite simple really.  A large portion of the problems in our lives are created by us. We over think things, we imagine things going wrongs, and we doubt everything. In short, we make a lot of our own problems. But the solution to that is to take the very thought process that created the problems and just flip it. That's right, just flip it.  Instead of looking at everything that could go wrong and making big giant mountains over the itty bitty mole hills in front of you, start thinking about what could go right.  It sounds so simple, because really, it is very simple. Don't spend your time worrying about what can go wrong, or convincing yourself that it's not going to work. Don't let those thoughts invade your head. If they do, just flip it. Start thinking about what's going to work, or everything that is going to go right.  Not what can go right but what is going to go right. Your mind creates 90% of the problems…

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It’s YOUR Life

You can't base your life on other people's expectations. - Stevie Wonder I've talked a lot in the past about living your life and not letting the expectations of others get in your way. Today, I'm going to say pretty much the same thing, but I'm going to toss in a caveat.  Don't totally ignore what others are saying to you, because you never know when lighting is going to strike and you may find your passion. I worked very hard not to put ideas into my kids heads about what they may or may not want to do as adults.  I may have tossed ideas out at them, but I wanted them to make their own choices.  Fast forward and both my kids are out of college and floundering because they still hadn't found their path.  We talked, we tossed around ideas, but nothing sounded right to to them. Then it happened.  Random conversations with random people opened their eyes to career paths they never thought they'd take.  One is well on their way to getting their masters while working in their new field, while the other has found some direction.  This is because they listened to the input…

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Fear is a Choice

You have to remember, fear is not real. It is a product of the thoughts you create. Don't misunderstand me. Danger is very real. But fear is a choice. - Will Smith So when I read this quote, I wasn't super sure about how I felt about it.  Fear is a choice? What the heck does that even mean? How do you create fear?  Then, of course, I thought about it, and it all made perfect sense. Fear is a choice.  I'm not talking, the feeling you get when you're walking down a dark street alone in the middle of the night.  That's danger, and that's different.  And I'm not talking about the feeling you get after watching Blair Witch, or a Friday the 13th marathon.  That's scaring yourself sh*tless. I'm talking about the fear that stops you from doing things and that comes from listening to the self-doubt that fills your head.  That isn't real...well the feelings are real, but they don't have to be. You need to shut off the self-doubt.  Don't make the choice to feel the fear.  Don't give into the self-doubt that fills your head when you want to try something new or make a…

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Don’t Underestimate Yourself

If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think. - T. Harv Eker Raise your hand if you're completely and 100% confident in who you are. Okay this is the internet so I can't see if anybody is raising their hand or not, but I know I'm not.  I'm not 100% confident in myself. Heck, if I could go into negative numbers regarding my confidence level, I would.  While I don't think having so little confidence in yourself is a great thing, I do feel confident in knowing that most people feel the same way. And those that say they do, well chances are they subscribe to the fake it until you make it school of thought. It's important not to get too hung up on how much better everybody else is.  You need to focus on you and think about how good you are.  And you are!  You are better than you think.  Have faith in yourself and in your abilities. Have confidence in you and don't worry about everybody else.  They're too busy worrying about themselves.  Just remember, you are…

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Do Your Thing

Don't waste your energy trying to change opinions ... do your thing, and don't care if they like it. - Tina Fey I would love to say that the opinions of others don't matter, because the don't, but at the same time, they do. Most of us really seem to get hung up on what other people think about us, our ideas, our opinions and our actions.  I know I do.  I try to not care, but from an early age, we're conditioned to care about what others think of us.  So  how do you get past the opinions of others and do your own thing. First, start by taking ownership of your life.  It's your life, and you should should live it on your terms.  You should work where you want to work, live where you want to live, have the friends you want to have, in short, you should live the life you want to live.  Do your thing and don't worry about what others think. When you can do your thing and stop stressing about what others think about you, to me it's a sign that you are a "grown up." And it's funny that I think…

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