7 Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem

7 Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem Self-esteem refers to how you view your worth. Whether you are aware or unaware of it, your evaluation or perception of yourself in terms of your capabilities, potentials, and emotional and physical features affects your lifestyle, academic or work performance, relationships, and other life concerns. Because of this, self-esteem plays a crucial role in helping you develop and maintain relationships, find success in school or work, and stay mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy. Since a healthy dose of self-esteem can do wonders for various aspects of your life, you need to know when and how to give it a boost, especially at times when you know it has taken a hit. Leading providers of professional clinical supervision services share some helpful tips below on how to improve your feelings of self-worth: 1.    Practice positive affirmation Everyone hears discouraging and unkind words from time to time. The popularity of social media has also made it easier for people to post whatever they want to say about others, even if these remarks are hurtful and harsh. If your self-confidence has taken a dip because you heard or read something upsetting, avoid letting these words take root…

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New Year New You? No Way!

Facebook is full of all the New Year New you posts and to that I say NO WAY!  I like who I am.  I'm not perfect, not by any stretch of the imagination.  Are there things I can improve upon in my life?  Absolutely.  I need to lose weight, I need to stop procrastinating and a myriad of of things.  But those are habits that I need to change.  I don't need to change who I am at my core and neither do you -unless you WANT to.  It's a choice you need to make for you, and nobody else can make it for you and they shouldn't talk you in to making changes you don't want to make. Don't get caught up in the you have to weigh this much, or wear these clothes or belong to this group.  You do you because you are wonderful.  Another super important thing to remember is if you do want to do something different in your life, you can start right now.  You don't have to wait until next Monday or next month, or in the case of tomorrow, next year.  You start when you are ready. I'm not making resolutions this…

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The Benefits of Power Napping at Your Day Job

What if I told you taking power naps could actually make you happier? I can imagine you wouldn’t need any more convincing to hit snooze the next chance you get. Studies show that 66% of short nappers and 56% of longer nappers report feeling happier and more energetic during their long workdays. Yet, most workplaces haven’t discovered the positive impact power napping has on moods, productivity, and a handful of other health benefits. Hitting snoozed once your 3 pm slump hits is still frowned upon in the workplace, making most reach for their 3rd cup of coffee instead. Sleeping is commonly known to happen in the comfort of your own home, all snuggled up in your bed, which makes sense as your home is the place you go to relax and recharge. How Counting Sheep on the Clock Can Improve Your Work Performance Call it what you want, but having a little mid-day power nap siesta actually holds profound benefits for your overall mood and well-being.   Typically, power naps range from 10 to 20 minutes long, and it is meant to revitalize you more than a cup of coffee. Research show this length of time is the sweet spot…

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Be Like Michael

I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. - Michael Jordan I think pretty much everybody agree that Michael Jordan was a phenomenal athlete, and an extremely successful one as well.  We should all try and be like Michael.  Not because we should all try and be first class athletes.  That's a nice dream, but we can't all do that, there'd be nobody to watch if we were all playing  :)  No we should all adopt his attitude of trying and failing.  Michael Jordan wasn't afraid to try and he wasn't afraid of failing.  He let go of the fear of failing and it helped him to succeed. That's pretty amazing. When you think about it, some of his biggest failures were on national television and live in front of thousands of fans. His lack of fear of failing led him to keep trying and trying, and as a result, having more and more success.  Imagine what your like if you would allow yourself…

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Who Are You

I know for sure that what we dwell on is who we become. - Oprah Winfrey Who are you? If you're like most people you have probably asked yourself that question at least a couple of times.  The Law of Attraction, and Oprah for the sake of this quote, say you become what you focus upon, and to some extent I think that's true.  I actually talked about it with my students this past week in school.  We had watched the movie Cinderella Man and were talking about what it means to have a positive attitude.  One thing I wanted the kids to come away with is that a positive attitude doesn't necessarily mean rainbows, fluffy bunnies and unicorns.  A positive attitude is when you work to make the best of what you have, or what life tosses at you. In the movie, Jimmy Braddock, played by Russell Crowe had been given a rough row to hoe during the Depression.  Through out the movie, we see that it would have been so easy to just give up, but in the words of one of my students, he just "lived his best life."  Jimmy Braddock didn't dwell on what he didn't…

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Mistakes are Okay

When we give ourselves permission to fail, we, at the same time, give ourselves permission to excel. - Eloise Ristad For the longest time, I thought mistakes were bad.  You didn't want to make mistakes, you wanted to get the right answers and have all your projects work out correctly, right?  That's what I thought, but I was wrong.  Mistakes are okay.  I may even go so far as to say that mistakes can be a good thing. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true.  Think about it. If you never push yourself, if you never try, you may succeed at what you're trying to do, but what are you missing out on?  You're missing out on the chance to find more, create more, discover more.  You're missing out on the chance to excel and to soar. I know that it seems counter intuitive to say it's okay to make mistakes and it's okay to fail.  But really it is.  Giving yourself permission to fail may take you out of your comfort zone, but that's not a bad thing.  So tell yourself, that it's okay to take chances, it's okay to try something new, it's okay to fail, and…

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Life Doesn’t Have To Be Perfect

Do not dwell so much on creating your perfect life that you forget to live. - Unknown Have you ever gotten so obsessed with making sure something is perfect that you forget to enjoy it?  I have!  Think about a vacation you may have planned.  You can get so caught up in the planning and the itinerary, focusing on where you need to be next instead of enjoying where you are right now.  Think about weddings.  Brides and grooms strive to create the perfect day, and when it's over, they can't remember anything about that day.  Or worse, a small issue, like napkins in the wrong shade of ivory, can turn into a giant catastrophe. It's good to have goals and to strive to make things as good as they can be.  I want to have the best life possible.  But I don't want to miss out on the life I have right now in trying to make my life perfect.  The fact of the matter is, it's never going to be perfect.  Instead of stressing out over them, embrace the imperfections and you may find that they add to your life and make it even better.  But the only…

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How to Take Risks Like a Stunt Driver

How to Take Risks Like a Stunt Driver If your dreams don’t scare you, are you sure they’re big enough? It’s easy to fall into complacency, especially when life is so busy most of the time, but setting goals can help you stay on track and grow as a person. Sometimes our goals and dreams seem risky — whether it’s a fear of failure, getting hurt, or losing something. However, passing up every opportunity to grow means you may miss out.   Taking risks sometimes gets confused with being reckless, but that’s not the case. There are small risks you can take each day to grow as a person. It may be reaching out to someone new and inviting them out to dinner or as small as trying out a new restaurant out of your normal routine. Larger risks may be making a move to a new city or completely changing your career path. Something all of these risks have in common is uncertainty and an opportunity for growth.   For a fun spin on risk-taking, we can look to some of the most daredevil professionals out there: stunt drivers. These risk-taking lessons from stunt drivers show us that there…

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Do Not Dwell

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate your mind in the present moment. - Buddha I have been dwelling - a lot lately, and it's not good.  I shared with you all a few months ago that I was dealing with some health issues.  I still am, and lately they have gotten a little worse.  It's not like I'm dealing with anything terminal, so I am very fortunate, but I'm still dwelling on it a lot.  Translation, I'm feeling sorry for myself.  Dwelling on anything isn't good, and that includes the past.  You can get so caught up on what was, that your forget about what is, and that's right now. I think that sometimes, it's okay to have a good wallow every now and again, it can be healthy and even healing.  But to dwell just means you are focusing on what is negative or bad, or gone, and what good does that do?  When you dwell on the past, you're focusing on what was, be it good or bad.  You can't go back to it, and you can't change it.  So if it's good, appreciate it, if it's bad, let it go…

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15 Ways to Make Saving Money Fun

15 Easy Ways to Make Saving Money Fun Matt Zdun We all know that saving money is important for our future wellbeing. But, at the same time, it can be pretty difficult and not always the most fun thing to do. In some cases, just thinking about saving money can bring you down. Studies show that a large chunk of adults — 85% — feel stressed about money from time to time, and a sizeable 30% of adults are constantly stressed about money. It’s not hard to see why this is the case when you consider the fact that almost half of adults don’t have emergency savings set aside for unexpected life events, like the loss of a job or the illness of a loved one. If you have struggled with saving money and find the whole process difficult or not enjoyable, you’re not alone. But the good news is that there are plenty of resources that bloggers, authors, and app developers have given us to spice up the process of saving money. Credit.com has compiled a roundup of tips and tricks to make saving money fun and keep you in high spirits in the process. Check it out: Please…

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