Don’t Worry Be Happy
by Chris Cade Easier said than done, right? Well a while back week on Facebook, I saw a really interesting picture titled "Don't Worry, Be Happy." It got me to wondering: Could it really be that simple to stop worrying? Just look at a picture and make worries go away? Probably not that simple. However, the premise was solid. I knew this to be true for me because it was a visual representation of a technique I've used for years to minimize worrying. After you've looked at it, I'd like to briefly expand on the real essence of what it's saying... ................ ............. .......... ........ ..... .. . Okay, now that you've seen the picture let's explore a little bit further. :) At its essence, the picture is showing us that worry doesn't actually help us. It suggests that there's absolutely no situation in life that is improved simply by worrying. If you really reflect on this, I think you'll find it to be true in your own life. I know I have in mine. Still, when life is really difficult it can feel almost impossible not to worry. In fact, I worry every day and it's not even…