The Power of Positivity: Amy’s Story

Today's guest post is by Constance Ray of “I'm so grateful to be set free from living a fear-driven life and carrying the burdens of that fear and worry. I am so thankful that I am happy the majority of the time today.” - Annette, Sobriety Advocate Depression and addiction are serious illnesses that affect millions of people — and sometimes, they work together to make someone’s life completely unbearable. And while it’s important to receive treatment for these conditions, whether on their own or as co-occurring disorders, the power of positive thinking can go a long way in helping people find their way back from despair. Amy, a brave addiction warrior, is proof that dancing in the rain is an effective first step in making a positive and permanent life change.   ***   Amy started struggling with mental health issues when she was just a little girl.   “From a young age, I started having panic attacks,” she said. “I was in and out of the doctors’ offices, and eventually diagnosed with depression and panic disorder.”   Though her parents worked hard to get her the help she needed, she still suffered some dark times during her adolescence.…

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