Here is Why Your Future is Full of Radness

by Mastin Kipp Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish”. This is not just a Christian thing… Here at TDL (The Daily Love) we pull from ALL sources of truth. No matter what you believe, seriously consider this statement. When we don’t have a vision in life, we have nothing to aim for, no purpose, no empowering meaning and life seems dull and numb and even meaningless. And when we live a meaningless life, we tend to create at a very low level. Tony Robbins talks about a lot of the people he’s met who have been suicidal. One of the common patterns he’s noticed is that people who no longer want to live feel this way because they have no vision for the future to be better than the past. Now, I’m paraphrasing his words and I don’t have anywhere near the amount of experience that he does in working with people. But this is a very interesting thing to consider. Remember, here at TDL we don’t believe that everything we say is “The” truth, just thoughts, ideas and opinions for you to consider. So please take what you want from this and leave the…

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