4 Positive, Simple Ways to Improve Your Health and Well-Being

4 Positive, Simple Ways to Improve Your Health and Well-Being Brad Krause Practicing positivity can take some effort. But one of the best ways to spark positivity in your life is to take more control of your health. Thankfully, there are many simple head-to-toe habits you can easily incorporate into your daily routine. Here are some great health tips that can help you make the most of your health and this gift we call life.   Use the Right Filters to Clean Your Home’s Air   The simple act of breathing can bring you peace, but only if the air you breathe is actually clean. While there’s not a lot you can do to prevent pollution outside, you do have the power to reduce irritants inside your own home. Change out the filters in your furnace or HVAC system and opt for MERV 8-rated filters when doing so. These highly rated filters have been shown to reduce up to 90 percent of toxins and pollutants, including mold, dust mites and even pollen. To add even more air purity to your home, and a touch of natural beauty, consider adding some air-cleaning plants to your home as well. Snake plants, ferns,…

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Aging Gracefully: Health and Safety Tips for Seniors

          Photo via Pixabay by Congerdesign   Aging Gracefully: Health and Safety Tips for Seniors by Maria Cannon Aging gracefully involves many things; staying healthy is a priority, but safety is also a crucial part of getting older. For many seniors, making sure their home and lifestyle are in line with those imperatives can be difficult. You may have a disability that makes things a bit more challenging, or you might be on a budget that requires you to limit the amount of money you spend on improving your home to make sure it’s safe and accessible. Many seniors find it hard to get used to a different diet when they’re focusing on their health, especially if they’re living with diabetes or other conditions that require big changes.   Fortunately, there are several things you can do to boost your health and safety no matter your age or lifestyle,starting with maintaining or adopting the right mindset. Everything that’s going on in the world, combined with the challenges we all face on any given day, can make it easy to focus on the negative. But positive thinking can help improve your health and help you live longer.…

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How to Turn Your Hobby into a Profitable Business

  How to Turn a Hobby into a Legitimate Business Maria Cannon For many, the idea of starting a small business holds a certain appeal, but the hurdles to actually doing it seem too much to overcome. One of the main hurdles is the question what would I even do? Well, it is possible to do something you enjoy and make money. Turning a hobby into a legitimate business could be just what you need. Here’s how to get yourself set up to succeed.   Decide if it’s feasible to even try Yes, the first step may sound discouraging. But it’s not - it’s just smart. Do the math. Take a deep dive into your finances and see if it is feasible to start a new business from the ground up. If you need some help, then get some help. Do not forget to include your partner/significant other in these discussions. It’s not just you that will be affected by the work that comes with starting a new business.   Know what your business truly does for people If you don’t know what your business does, nobody else will either. The first thing you have to do if you are…

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4 Ways to Stay Strong and Positive in Times of Sickness

4 Ways to Stay Strong and Positive in Times of Sickness In times of sickness, it can be hard to keep your morale high. Medical conditions can make it difficult to get on with your normal routine. No wonder people undergoing any sort of treatment have to look for ways to keep them busy in order to enjoy their time. A positive attitude and motivation are necessary to get on with your life and stay calm. Even though stress and painful treatments might seem as though they are taking a toll on your life, keeping yourself occupied with anything that your physician allows can help you stay motivated and lessen the amount of stress. This can be anything from meditation and easy yoga poses to reading a long overdue book. Sickness has a deep impact on the psyche of a human being. The recovery greatly depends on how motivated you are to put a brave front in times of hardship, be it any ailment that time and again causes pain or any sudden deterioration of health. So, what are the things that you can indulge in during times of sickness to keep your motivation levels intact? Here are the activities…

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Take Steps to Have Better Life After Recovery

Take Steps to Have a Better Life After Recovery Adam Cook - addictionhub.org Image via Pexels         Addiction and Treatment   Addiction is a disease affecting millions of people all over the world. There’s no one main factor that can predict if a person will struggle with substance abuse. A combination of genetic, environmental and developmental influences generally contribute to a person’s inclination towards addiction. While the best solution is prevention, there is hope for people who find themselves in the throes of this chronic disease characterized by compulsive drug or alcohol use.   Substance abuse treatments help addicts cease their drug use, stay drug-free and reintegrate into society as a healthy and productive person. There are various different methods of addiction treatment, but the principles behind them are essentially the same. Effective treatment doesn’t just remove drugs from the equation, it also addresses the various mental and emotional issues behind a person’s proclivity towards self-destructive behaviors. Detoxification is only the first step; patients also need behavioral therapy and counseling to help identify stressors or triggers that contribute to their addiction. Often medication is also administered to help relieve withdrawal symptoms and restore balance to neurochemicals. Life…

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Pay it Forward – Teaching your Children Kindness and Compassion

Awesome guest post from Erin at Gravity Life Coaching     Try out this free workbook!  Create AWESOME behavior in Children in 4 Steps!   I've always enjoyed giving to others, but I never understood the significance of it.  If there was one quality I wanted my children to have, it was kindness and compassion.  It's difficult to truly know if you're teaching it, when your so caught up in the chaos of daily life. Chores, work, chores, kids fighting, chores...it seems that there's not a lot of time to embrace the simple things, teach them values and be pro-active as a parent.  Sometimes we are doing these things, but just don't realize it until we see evidence of it, which I recently did.   I've been making more of an effort to give and donate.  I have always donated my time and energy, but rarely have I donated money.  I've always found excuses, that I just don't have enough or that I have too many things to provide for my own children.  What I've recently discovered is that when you feel restricted in your giving, the money is restricted in coming to you.  If you make an effort to live…

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Fun Ways to ROCK Your Sober Halloween Party

Hey everyone - we have another awesome guest post from Constance at Recoverywell.org Fun Ways to Rock Your Sober Halloween Party   Photo via Pixabay   Halloween is right around the corner, marking the first end-of-the-year holiday that millions of people across the country celebrate, with jack-o-lanterns, loads of candy, and an astonishing variety of spooky events to host and attend. However, for people in addiction recovery, particularly those who are freshly sober, it can be hard to figure out how to spend the holiday without succumbing to temptation.   The truth is, as many long-time sober addicts who still love to throw a festive party will tell you, celebrating without alcohol or drugs can significantly enhance your experience of Halloween, rather than make you feel like you don’t fit into the costumed holiday scene. Yes, alcohol doesn’t have to be part of the picture. And you really can throw a sober and fun Halloween bash of your own.   Here are five games to consider when hosting a sober Halloween party, for a howlingly good time:   Pumpkin Carving Contest   Pumpkin-carving is one of the ultimate Halloween traditions. For your alcohol-free party, buy a load of small-sized pumpkins…

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The Power of Positivity: Amy’s Story

Today's guest post is by Constance Ray of RecoveryWell.org “I'm so grateful to be set free from living a fear-driven life and carrying the burdens of that fear and worry. I am so thankful that I am happy the majority of the time today.” - Annette, Sobriety Advocate Depression and addiction are serious illnesses that affect millions of people — and sometimes, they work together to make someone’s life completely unbearable. And while it’s important to receive treatment for these conditions, whether on their own or as co-occurring disorders, the power of positive thinking can go a long way in helping people find their way back from despair. Amy, a brave addiction warrior, is proof that dancing in the rain is an effective first step in making a positive and permanent life change.   ***   Amy started struggling with mental health issues when she was just a little girl.   “From a young age, I started having panic attacks,” she said. “I was in and out of the doctors’ offices, and eventually diagnosed with depression and panic disorder.”   Though her parents worked hard to get her the help she needed, she still suffered some dark times during her adolescence.…

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Today's guest post is by Luke Goodwin   GRATITUDE   For me, this is one of the most powerful things that can influence every single area of your life and something that has completely transformed my way of thinking and also the way I conduct myself.   Each day, I utilise something called 'The Miracle Morning' and within this I have added in an exercise called 'priming' by the one and only Tony Robbins. Priming is something that has completely opened my mind, allows me to channel my thoughts, create energy and positivity. While I am doing this priming exercise, which lasts for 14 minutes, there is a part of it that focuses on gratitude, and I cannot put a measurement on how much this has affected me. I didn't drastically notice immediate changes, but they were happening daily, just really small minor changes in my thinking, but over time, when I look back at my journal entries and how I used to conduct myself, I have realised how much, just spending a small amount of time being grateful, has impacted my life. It allows you to see yourself, other people and the world in a completely different light. It…

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7 Steps to INCREASE Your Money Flow

Today we have another awesome guest post from Erin Dickson of Gravity Life Coaching     Do you feel frustrated with your current financial situation and are looking to change it, but just don't know how?    When you grow up with certain ideas about money, you tend to internalize them and this actually blocks your flow of money, without even realizing it.  These ideas could be that there is a ceiling on how much money you can make, "money doesn't grow on trees", you have to work very hard just to get by or that money makes you happy or sad.    When you hold onto that mindset about money, you are blocking the flow of the money coming to you.  So how do you change it?   1.  Identify what your beliefs about money are. What ideas did you inherit about money from your parents?  Are you still holding onto these ideas?  How are they stopping you from meeting your full potential?   Listen to your own inner statements about money.  Give yourself 2 days to really listen to how you think about and talk about money.  What things do you find yourself saying?   Action Step:  Determine what…

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