2 Questions that will Change Your Life

Today's guest post was written by Erin Dickson an amazing life coach. 2 Questions That Will Change Your Life... Erin Dickson Gravity Life Coaching       When I was a few years out of college and stuck in a dead-end job – I was contemplating going back to graduate school to be a Guidance Counselor.  I knew I wanted to be a Guidance Counselor, but the process of getting there was a bit overwhelming.    I was living in an apartment by myself, working 2 jobs and discovered that I would need to do a 600-hour unpaid internship.  It was so overwhelming to look at the big picture -  because all I could think about was what could go wrong.  How could I possibly take a 6 month long unpaid full-time internship while paying rent?    That’s the question I was living in and that’s the question that stopped me from moving forward for so long.   When I was finally able to start living in a different question, I discovered how to move forward.  I wanted it to be a possibility, I wanted to make it happen and I knew that others made it happen.  If others made…

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The Importance of Self Belief – Ian Lock

Please enjoy this guest post from author Ian Lock IAN LOCK on the importance of Self Belief...   How can self belief help you to be Extraordinary?   As we move into 2013, I find myself thinking a lot about the power of self belief. Our self belief impacts upon everything that we are and everything that we do. People with true self belief can go anywhere and do anything. People with false self belief, or bravado, often just pretend they can.   Can you remember a time when you truly believed in yourself, felt good about who you were and what you could do? A time when you felt really positive? Even if it was only for a brief moment, can you remember how you felt and what you believed?   For me one of those times was when my daughter, Imogen, was born. I remember standing in the hospital room at around 2.30 am holding this precious little bundle in my arms and looking out across the skyline. I had an enormous sense of well being and purpose. I felt ready to face into the rest of my life and create possibilities for me and my family. I…

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