Follow Your Heart

Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition -they somehow already know what you truly want to become. - Steve Jobs   Your heart and your intuition are pretty smart.  They know the answers before you even have a clue what the questions are.  Why don't we listen to that inner voice?  For thousands of year our ancestors relied on their instincts, they listened to their inner voices.  But as civilizations grew and flourished, people began to rely on knowledge and facts instead of intuition and instinct.  They didn't stop listening, but they wanted proof.  Fact and knowledge isn't a bad thing at all, and it's good to have facts upon which to base things.  1+1 is always going to equal 2, this is a fact.  There is security in that knowledge, but there is also a kind of security in trusting your judgement and listening to your intuition.  Don't discard knowledge, don't throw away facts, but put a little faith in yourself.  Listen to your inner voice, trust your heart and your intuition and see where they lead you.

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Listen to Your Intuition

Trust that there is always an answer. Look beyond the level of the problem and rely on your intuition. Deepak Chopra We all have that inner voice inside of us that can give us the answers to the questions that are plaguing us.  Some call it intuition, others call it instinct, and still others call it following or listening to their gut.  Whatever you want to call it, it's an ability to connect with some type of greater knowledge.  We all have this ability, some are just more adept at listening than others. As children we will do this automatically, but as we mature and become more rational and concrete, our natural ability may weaken.   But it's a skill, and like any other skill, it's one you must practice to become more adept.  Listen to that inner voice when it's telling you to go left one day.  just trust it and see what happens.  As you begin to trust your intuition and listen to it, it will grow stronger.  Start listening to your intuition when you are faced with challenges, and you'll find the solution was always right inside of you.

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Listen to Your Heart or Your Head – Revisited.

The Universe has a rather quirky sense of humor, I think.  A short time ago, I blogged about listening to your head, or your heart/intuition. I've been pondering this since that original blog post.  I KNOW I should listen to my intuition, but I always try and quell it and listen to my head.  So I've been mulling this over in the back of my mind since my original post, and today, when I was looking for more positive thoughts to send out in the Think Positive 30 mailing list, I came across this: Listen to your heart and follow your dreams.  They won't mislead you. The Universe, in no uncertain terms has provided me with an answer.  A lot of times, the answers we are looking for are RIGHT there, in front of us, we just have to open our eyes to them. When I was a teenager, I read the book Illusions, by Richard Bach.  It's a wonderful book filled with many life lessons.  In the book, the character Donald Shimoda talks about how you can find the answers to your questions in any book.  Just think about your question, opena book to a random page, and the answer…

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Who do you listen to, your heart /intuition or your head?

It's a question I'm grappling with right now.  On the surface, I'm a HUGE believer in listening to your intuition, the only problem is, I'm really BAD at doing it, and I usually regret it.  There have been many occasions in my life where my heart, or my intuition has said one thing, but I just block it out and go merrily along only to find in the long run that I'd made a HUGE mistake.  How do you know if it's your intuition talking to you? It doesn't stand up and announce itself.  You have to PRACTICE listening to that inner voice.  Exercise it.  Take small steps and you'll find that your inner voice is growing stronger and helping you to make better decisions.

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