Relax and Trust the Universal Intelligence
Relax and Trust the Universal Intelligence Written by Jafree Ozwald "For peace of mind, we need to resign as general manager of the universe." ~Larry Eisenberg I invite you to explore the feeling that you are always at the right place, at the right time and you're being taken care of, provided for by a highly intelligent loving source in each new moment. Just for this moment, allow everything in your life to be exactly the way it is. Yes, you can take a vacation from the world of worry and relax into your innermost paradise. You deserve a break from this very busy mind. Take a deep breath right now and let yourself relax. The more you can relax into your body, the easier it is to discover this intelligent Universal energy. Conscious relaxation is truly amazing in that it allows your brain cells to open up and receive full access to the divine Universal Intelligence. This is where your greatest power and creativity is found. Obviously there's no efforting involved in relaxation, it's simply a continuous release of the mind and free falling into a harmonious connection with this moment. When you consciously let go of the…