Break the Cycle of Emotional Eating

I am an emotional eater.  I eat when I'm happy, I eat when I'm sad, I eat when I'm angry and I eat when I'm bored.  In case you're not quite catching what I'm saying, I eat.  Now eating is not a bad thing, heck, we need to do it to survive, but eating your emotions, that's not such a great thing.  But I'm putting a stop to all that.  I've tried things like Weight Watchers, Nutri System, Atkins and Keto.  They're all great in teaching me how to eat, but nothing has helped me come to grips with why I eat.  Now, with help, I'm going to stop allowing my mind to bully my body! If you're stuck in the same cycle I am, then I suggest you check out this amazing class offered by Karen Salmansohn,  that will help to retrain your brain. In it, you'll learn: why you binge eat - the emotional root of your food issues how to stop obsessive thoughts around food - in a lasting way how to stop using food as a distraction or to deal with uncomfortable feelings like anger, stress, fear, grief and self-loathing. how to enjoy a more loving…

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Let It Go And Move On

Don't let little things take up too much room in your heart, or you'll spend your entire life being annoyed and upset. - Karen Salmansohn I don't know if I'm the only person that does this, but judging from all the memes I see, I'm not.  I'll remember something dumb that happened ten years ago, and flip out all over again about it.  Really, I just need to let it go and move on.  What's happened has happened and there is no point in stressing out over it. The quote says not to let the little things take up too much room in your heart, but I'd add to that and say don't let them take up too much room in your head either. When you let the little things take up residence inside of you, it's the start of a giant recipe for disaster.  Let it go and move on.  If you don't they fester and stew and just totally bring you down and ruin your outlook. Life is too short for that.  Seriously!  Do you want to spend time stewing, fretting and being annoyed and upset, or do you want to enjoy life?  Personally, I'm all about the…

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The Pain of Anxiety

Who among us hasn't felt anxious before.  But feeling anxious about something is a far different thing than dealing with ongoing anxiety.  If you're in this boat, you know exactly what I'm talking about. As you know, I'm a HUGE fan of Karen Salmansohn, everything this woman writes really resonates with me.  She is an amazing author and speaker and she has so much to share, and some of what she has to share deals with the pain of anxiety.  Karen doesn't want any of us to deal with this pain, and in fact, she's created this really awesome course that helps people to deal with it. Karen has made this amazing video series to help people deal with anxiety, and she offers 42 stress reducing tools that are all research backed. The training happens in short bursts - only 3 to 10 minutes per video - and can be enjoyed on infinite devices - cellphones, iPads, computers, oh my! Check out Karen's Anxiety Cure and see if it's right for you.  What's really cool is Karen is making an awesome offer.  You can try out the Anxiety Cure and if you find that it's not right for you, you…

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Be a No Drama Llama!

Protect yourself. Keep your distance from negative people and their drama. They have a problem for every solution. - Karen Salmansohn I am not a fan of the drama.  In fact in my classroom,  I have a sign declaring it a Drama Free Zone.  To my way of thinking, life is challenging enough without dealing with drama from other people.  It comes at us from all sides.  It comes from our friends and our family, our co-workers and our neighbors.  These people are veritable energy suckers.  They can and do suck the life right out of us.  On a daily basis, I have students walking in to my classroom saying so-and-so said or did this, or he posted that on snap chat, or she said this about me in a text message.  It's overwhelming and the drama llamas do their very best to suck us in. Their drama can sometimes turn you into a drama llama yourself.  And seriously, do you have time for that?  I'm going to guess the answer to that is no you don't.  Well guess what, you don't have to deal with the drama llamas any more! It's time to drop the drama!  Stop allowing crazy-makers, game-players,…

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