Break the Cycle of Emotional Eating
I am an emotional eater. I eat when I'm happy, I eat when I'm sad, I eat when I'm angry and I eat when I'm bored. In case you're not quite catching what I'm saying, I eat. Now eating is not a bad thing, heck, we need to do it to survive, but eating your emotions, that's not such a great thing. But I'm putting a stop to all that. I've tried things like Weight Watchers, Nutri System, Atkins and Keto. They're all great in teaching me how to eat, but nothing has helped me come to grips with why I eat. Now, with help, I'm going to stop allowing my mind to bully my body! If you're stuck in the same cycle I am, then I suggest you check out this amazing class offered by Karen Salmansohn, that will help to retrain your brain. In it, you'll learn: why you binge eat - the emotional root of your food issues how to stop obsessive thoughts around food - in a lasting way how to stop using food as a distraction or to deal with uncomfortable feelings like anger, stress, fear, grief and self-loathing. how to enjoy a more loving…