I Manifested one of my Biggest Dreams

A few years ago, I manifested something.  I am a huge believer in the Law of Attraction, I have vision boards, and I truly believe in the concept of Ask, Believe, Receive.  One of my huge dreams/goals/vision board items was to be a published author.  Now here's the thing, the law of attraction wasn't going to write a book for me, edit it, design a cover and submit it for publication.  And I think that's an important thing to remember.   If you want to manifest a healthy body - you are still the one that is going to have to eat better and exercise.  The Law of Attraction will maybe be bringing you the will power to do it. So as I said, one of my biggest life dreams was to write a book and I did it.  The Law of Attraction helped me to find my muse.  Led me to and editor, helped me find someone to do the kindle formatting and helped me upload it to Amazon Direct Publishing and voila - book on kindle. In the interim, I took a couple of writing classes and that brought me other options.  I learned about an amazing resource called…

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Claim your copy of Wealth Brain here (Free Book)

My friend Steve just released a really inspirational (and valuable) book, and for a short time he's made it available for free… I highly recommend that you grab this while it's still online. It reveals his incredibly powerful mindset system to breaking free of the rat race, and living your dream life. Follow this link to grab your copy now: Click here This isn't your regular "skim and forget" book... It's a full encounter of Steve's story, and how he turned his life around by making a few simple tweaks to his outlook on work, jobs, and lifestyle. If you're stuck in a loop, worried that you'll never move forward... Or even if you're doing well, but want to scale up FAST by making a few small changes... Then you need to read this book right away. Follow this link to grab your free copy now! Make sure you download it while it's still available. Click here to claim your free copy Enjoy!

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Put Your Dreams in Motion

I've made no secret about my desire to write a book.  Well, I've been writing and writing, and yesterday, I put my dreams in motion.  I formatted my book for kindle, and I self-published it on Amazon. I put my dreams in motion and you can put your dreams in motion too.  It's important to take time to do things for you!  Many people believe that it's important to put others first, and to put the needs of your family before yours.  Being selfless is good, don't get me wrong, but every once in a while you have to take time for you and do things for you.  For me, that's what this book is.  It's something I did for me, and I'm going to tell you that it feels wonderful. So don't ignore the world around you or the people around you, but make sure you take time for yourself.  Put your dreams in motion and live the life you've dreamed of.  I can tell you from personal experience that when you do, you feel so much more relaxed and so much happier.  The happiness you feel radiates out from you and encompasses the people that you love.  All…

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Create the Life You Want

Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe. - Oprah Winfrey I'm a believer in the Law of Attraction, as I've stated many times before.  And according to the LoA, you attract into your life what you are focusing on.  Well if that's true, why not create the life you want?  Why not create the most wonderful, amazing life ever? Create the best possible life you could ever imagine. And what if you don't believe in the Law of Attraction.  Hey, that's fine.  You still should create the life you want.  If you're happy, truly happy with the way your life is now, that's fantastic.  I am very happy for you.  But if you're not happy, why not take the opportunity to make some changes and start making your life better.  If you aren't happy do something about it! If you have a job that you don't like, first, be happy you have a job!  Having a job is kind of an important thing, but if you're not happy, you don't have to stay at that job.  Start looking around, hit the job sites, and network.  It's never too late to try something…

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Visualize and it Will Materialize

Originally posted at Success.com Visualize and it Will Materialize by Steve Rizzo Visualization is a common sense success strategy that can keep you motivated and focused to achieve your goals throughout the day. As I’ve often said, “Visualize and it will materialize.” Visualization is the applying of your given gift of imagination to your faith and confidence. You can use it to discover ways to work through tough times, to rise above your problems and see the possibilities of a solution. It can also be used in the process of healing or to manifest a particular desire. You can read the rest of the article here

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Sometimes, I Wonder Why

Sometimes, I wonder why.  No that would be a lie, I wonder why, all the time.  I wonder why about a lot of things.  Today I am wondering why about Think Positive 30.   Why am I doing this? That is a very good question.  I started out doing this for me, and for a dear, wonderful friend.  You can read the story in the about section, but the abridged version is we were whiny.  Our blogs were filled with negative crap, and she decided to post one positive thing a day.  Why?  Because all that negativity was bringing us down. I made a blog specifically for that, and Think Positive 30 was born.  From the blog (not this one) it morphed into a website thinkpositive30.com, and a mailing list.  I loved the mailing list.  But my web host kept flagging me for spam, even though people had to sign up for the email list.  I loved the email list beyond belief. It was a lot of work, but I loved it. But the flagging made me look for a different way to do it. I found the list I'm using now, Mail Chimp.  It's an amazing list, but it's…

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If You’re Going To Do it, DO IT!

The path to success is to take massive, determined action.~ Anthony Robbins I was actually going to title this post "Don't Half-Ass it," but I decided to be a little more politically correct and say if you're going to do it, do it!  What do I mean by that?  It's pretty simple.  If you're going to commit to something, you have to put forth all your effort.  Not some, but all.  That's the only way you're going to succeed. Now, I'm not going to lie to you and say I do this all the time.  I don't.  I'm actually  a pretty laid back, lazy kind of person.  It's not a great thing, but it's a thing.  I tend to go with the flow on a lot of things.  But, when there is something I am super passionate about, I put a ton of effort into it. What do you think happens then?  Yep, that's right success.  It makes sense, if you put forth your best effort, or massive determined action, you're going to be that much closer to achieving success. What does massive determined action look like?  That's the tricky part. It's going to look different to each and every…

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Money, Tapping and the Law of Attraction

I just too a mini course on money mapping and working through your blocks about money. I'm going to be honest, I didn't really think I had any money blocks. It turns out I was wrong.  I have blocks, and  I think we all do. This class focused on using tapping (EFT) to work though the blocks. I'd heard about tapping, i read about it, and I was interested, but I never really did it. I am now, and I'm loving it, and I'd love to hear about other people's thoughts on tapping and success stories etc. But what i want to talk about are the blocks. Blocks can take many forms, and limiting beliefs can come from almost anywhere. I have a LOT of student loan debt, and even though I never realized it before, it makes me feel like a complete loser (talk about a block lol.) I've made money mistakes, but that doesn't make me a loser.  I used to feel like getting out of debt was hopeless, but it's not.  I just need to get rid of the blocks - that's where the tapping comes in.  It may not be for everyone, and that's okay, but…

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Life is NOT a Fairy Tale

Fairy tales can come true. You gotta make them happen, it all depends on you. Tiana - The Princess and the Frog Oh how I wish life were indeed a fairy tale, and we all just got our happily every afters.  Wouldn't that be wonderful?  It would, but life is NOT a fairy tale, and if we want that happily ever after, then we have to make it happen.  I'm a firm believer in the Law of Attraction.  I was first introduced to it from a co-worker who loaned me the book The Secret.  It's a great book, and I love it, but it's missing a key component.  The Secret teaches people to first ask the universe for what they want, then they must believe that what they want is coming, and finally receive what it is they want.  They key step the book leaves out is the fact that you actually have to do something.  You need to expend some effort, too.  If you want to be an actor, you can't just say I want to be an actor and believe it's going to happen.  You may need to take some acting classes, and go on casting calls.  You…

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Relax and Trust the Universal Intelligence

Relax and Trust the Universal Intelligence Written by Jafree Ozwald www.EnlightenedBeings.com "For peace of mind, we need to resign as general manager of the universe." ~Larry Eisenberg I invite you to explore the feeling that you are always at the right place, at the right time and you're being taken care of, provided for by a highly intelligent loving source in each new moment.  Just for this moment, allow everything in your life to be exactly the way it is. Yes, you can take a vacation from the world of worry and relax into your innermost paradise. You deserve a break from this very busy mind.  Take a deep breath right now and let yourself relax.  The more you can relax into your body, the easier it is to discover this intelligent Universal energy. Conscious relaxation is truly amazing in that it allows your brain cells to open up and receive full access to the divine Universal Intelligence.  This is where your greatest power and creativity is found.  Obviously there's no efforting involved in relaxation, it's simply a continuous release of the mind and free falling into a harmonious connection with this moment.  When you consciously let go of the…

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