Five Forgotten Rules of the Law of Attraction

I found this really awesome blog post on Five Forgotten Rules of the Law of Attraction and I wanted to share it with you all. I know lots of people don't buy into the LoA, and that's fine, like any belief, it's a personal choice - I choose to believe.  Enjoy the article.

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How to Become a Manifesting Magnet

You're going to love this!!     Check out "The Manifesting Manual" created by Jafree Ozwald, the founder of Click Here to Download Chapter One of your FREE Manifesting Manual Now! His ebook is a life-transforming masterpiece and he is giving away the first chapter to you... absolutely FREE! Best of all, you'll also get to download a free guided MP3 audio Manifesting Meditation Journey that will take you into a deep state of conscious relaxation where you can easily attract your life's greatest goals, dreams and desires! This experience alone will enlighten your world and transform your life! "Jafree's Manifesting Techniques are delightful and easy to accomplish. The end result for me was $127,000.00 in one month, paying off $80,000.00 of debt and now I'm averaging $50,000 a month!" ~Sunny W., Georgia Signing up for this experience you will learn... *How to Effortlessly Become the Master of your Reality. *The 3 Simple Steps to Removing ANY Negative Block. *The Greatest Secret to Step Into the Manifesting Mindset. *AND...MUCH MUCH MORE! Jump on this enlightening experience while it's still available... Click Here to Download Chapter One of your FREE Manifesting Manual Now! Have fun!!

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Thanks to my friend Jafree for sharing this!!!!!   Did you know there is an unlimited manifesting power inside you which you can learn to tap into and manifest the life you've been dreaming of? My friend Jafree, founder and creator of took 15 years of his life to create a powerful manifesting program that contains all the secrets you need to manifesting anything that you desire. There have been tens of thousands of people from 65+ countries around the world who have already experienced extraordinary results from using this powerful Manifesting Technology. Click Here to Learn More About Jafree's Super Manifesting Program Now! FYI: The soul purpose of this program is to empower, educate and inspire you! It will give your life full direction, clarity, confidence and the ability to become the master of your mind in this deeply challenging world. This enlightening material truly works, and his 8 habits manifesting routine will definitely empower you with the ability to create ANYTHING you can dream! For example, in 2003, one of Jafree's clients was $90,000 in debt, struggling with his business, self-esteem, energy and his personal relationship for many years. He started applying the 8 Secret Manifesting Habits…

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Becoming a SUPER Manifestor

My friend Jafree sent this along, and I just wanted to share it with you :)   Did you know there is an unlimited manifesting power inside you which you can learn to tap into and manifest the life you've been dreaming of? My friend Jafree, founder and creator of took 15 years of his life to create a powerful manifesting program that contains all the secrets you need to manifesting anything that you desire. There have been tens of thousands of people from 65+ countries around the world who have already experienced extraordinary results from using this powerful Manifesting Technology. Click Here to Learn More About Jafree's Super Manifesting Program Now! FYI: The soul purpose of this program is to empower, educate and inspire you! It will give your life full direction, clarity, confidence and the ability to become the master of your mind in this deeply challenging world. This enlightening material truly works, and his 8 habits manifesting routine will definitely empower you with the ability to create ANYTHING you can dream! For example, in 2003, one of Jafree's clients was $90,000 in debt, struggling with his business, self-esteem, energy and his personal relationship for many years.…

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Super Manifestor Video

This was shared with me by Jafree Ozwald - hope you find it as useful as I did :) I found an amazing 90 Day Manifesting Program that will raise your vibration so that you start attracting anything and everything that your heart desires. I know it sounds too good to be true, yet it works! Tens of thousands of people have tried it and LOVED the results! Check out these Amazing Testimonials! The 90 Day Super Manifesting Program is truly powerful, and just by watching this video, you'll already feel an increase in your vibration! I love this program and I know you will too!! They have a 100% GUARANTEE that everyone who does the program will start attracting their dream life within 90 DAYS OR LESS by simply following the Morning Manifesting Routine! This may be your once in a lifetime opportunity to access the world's most effective and PROVEN Manifesting Technology... Click Here to Download It Instantly Now and experience it for yourself. Get ready to manifest your life's greatest dreams with joy and effortless ease...

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Manifest Anything and Everything You Desire

Are you ready to stop working sooooo hard to pay your bills each month and learn how to manifest true financial freedom in your life? My friend Jafree, founder and creator of the Enlightened Beings web portal has discovered the the proven steps and secrets for manifesting anything and everything that you desire. He has put together an online Super Manifesting Program that is 100% guaranteed to dramatically improve your manifesting abilities in 90 days or less! Already there have been tens of thousands of people from 65+ countries around the world who have experienced Extraordinary Real Life Results simply from following his simple manifesting technology. It truly is amazing and works every time with everyone who does it. We know you'll be joyfully surprised with the many positive results you'll receive... Click Here to Instantly Download Everything INSIDE Jafree's Super Manifesting Program Now! Enjoy the journey!

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Beyond Our Illusions – contest

Beyond Our Illusions The key to using Universal Laws to transform your life - by Deborah Sless Hi Everyone - big news.  I have been asked to  review Beyond our Illusions:  The key to using Universal Laws to transform your life by Deborah Sless.  The book is phenomenal, and I'm on my second reading before I begin writing my review. The publishers of Beyond Our Illusions have been generous enough to donate several copies for me to give away.  When I post the review, you will be invited to comment and share why you want to receive a copy, AND you will be invited to submit your own review, and/or write a guest post on Think Positive 30.  Winners will be chosen at random from all the comments posted. From the book jacket: Despite following the advice of a wealth of bestselling self-help books, most of us are still no closer to understanding the fundamental laws and principles that govern the universe, our interactions within it and our ability to achieve success, health, wealth and happiness. Have you ever wondered why the Law of Attraction isn't working for you? There is a very rational reason why. Quite simply, the Universal…


Temple Run and the Law of Attraction

I have a new interest  issue addiction - it's called Temple Run.  I had no idea what this game was until one day, I was riding in the car with my daughter and these very strange noises started coming from her tablet.  At first,  thought it was the car, but then she proceeded to explain the game Temple Run to me.  I tried it when I got home, and the rest is, as they say, history.  But I'm not here to talk about my little video game interest   issue   addiction.  What I want to talk about is how I am using this game and applying it to the Law of Attraction. In Temple Run, there is a magnet bonus you can get and when you do, your character gets a glowy aura about it, and will automatically begin attracting coins.  Since attracting a lot of coins is one of the key aspects of the game, getting the magnet bonus is a good thing. One morning, driving to work, I was running over my affirmations in my head and one phrase jumped out at me.  I am a magnet for luck, a magnet for love and a magnet for money and…

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If You Don’t have ____, You Don’t Have Anything – Chris Cade

by Chris Cade There's a lot of ways that people fill in that blank. Some words that may come to mind are: Love Money Passion Family Friends Health Dreams One might even go so far as to say if you don't have ALL of those things, you're living a life "half" lived. The thing is, while all of those are necessary to life a deeply fulfilling life... one that is abundant in every way, that's not what I want to share about today. "Fulfillment comes from being in a state of living your passion." – Jack Canfield See, there's one thing – that if you don't have it– all of your efforts in EVERY one of those areas will fall short. What is that thing? Integrity. No, I'm not talking about what most people refer to as integrity. Integrity is not about whether or not other people in the world think you are acting with kindness or that they think they can trust you. Integrity means to be integrated. It means that the aspects of yourself, within yourself, are working together as a whole regardless of who may or may not be watching. In this way, integrity gives us a…

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New Moon Abunance Checks

Abundance Check Ritual in the New Moon This ritual has been handed down through so many people that its origin has become unknown. What are Abundance Checks? Abundance checks are a tool we can use to create more abundance in our lives. They are written within 24 hours after a New Moon. Surprisingly,you really don’t even need to believe that the check will work when you write it. You will however be amazed at the results,as you will see increased abundance in your life,in some life area. It is not always financial,but certainly in an area that you need. There is a traditional manner,which has been handed down,that must be followed. If you do not have a checking account you can draw a check on a piece of paper and fill it out the same way - the results will be the same,more abundance for you. Here’s how to do them: 1.) Within 24 hours after a New Moon,take a check from your check book. Where it says “Pay to,” write your name. 2.) In the little box on the same line where you would fill in a dollar amount write “Paid in full.” 3.) On the line underneath your…

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