Don’t Just Pay LIP SERVICE to your Affirmations

I have a set of affirmations I say on a daily basis, and with that I have a routine. I usually say them while driving my car on my way to work. On some levels this works great. I have a scheduled set time when I do them, and they get done, but on another level, I discovered this isn't working out too well. Why? Because I'm focusing, as I should, on my driving, and NOT on my affirmations. I'm NOT feeling them, I'm NOT believing that that is how my life is right now. Instead, I'm going through the motions of saying them as I make my way through the traffic on the highway to work. Doing my affirmations this way means I'm not manifesting what I truly want as quickly and as effectively as I should. I AM manifesting, but not with the speed I could and should be. Don't just pay lip service to your affirmations, visualizations and meditation. Set aside time to focus on them completely with your entire being. You deserve the break, and you deserve to manifest your heart's desires.

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Thinking Positive and Vision Boards

I know, I know, you think vision boards are weird, strange, new age-y or just plain stupid and a waste of time.  I'm here to say - not so much.  Vision boards are just a concrete tangible form of visualization and visualization techniques have been used for many years.  Professional athletes frequently use visualization techniques to improve their performance, as do many stage/screen performers, musicians and business people.  A vision board is merely a pictorial  representation of our wants and our goals. Why am I bringing this up now?  It's simple, really.  I've made several vision boards, on paper, on a bulletin board, and even a video set to music.  The other day I looked at my vision board and realized that I'd actually achieved quite a few of the wants/goals that I'd put on there.  Granted, I don't have the bazillions of dollars that I want, or the McMansion of my dreams, but  when i look back at all the things I wanted that I did get, I know those other things are coming. Why not make a vision board of your own?  It's not hard, plus it's a chance to play with scissors and glue and even glitter…

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Chris Cade – Happiness is where the Heart is

From Chris Cade

What would your life be like if you said and believed, “Today is a good day” independent of what actually happened to you? The answer to that question is what it means to be truly happy. However, if you want to discover the answer then you have to ask another question that goes deeper:

“What does my heart truly want?”

It is in the wanting that you discover how to feel truly lasting happiness. Society, and your life’s conditioning, have falsely led you to believe that the wantings of your heart must be fulfilled in order for you to be filled with happiness.

But nothing could be further from the truth…

How often have you heard about millionaires who are unhappy, even though they have “everything” anybody could ever want? The reason: Money can never buy what it represents. You hope that by having the money you will be happier, when in reality, most people would gladly give up all the money in the world just to be happy. (more…)

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The Law of Attraction Hoax pt 1&2

I received this email from Chris Cade and basically, when it comes right down to it, he’s promoting his own stuff – which i don’t have a problem with. You can choose to sign up for his free 7 day mini-course or not, but I did like what he had to say in the emails and wanted to share them here with you.

Part 1

For a while, I’ve been wanting to “get this out of my system.” As such, this may sound a bit like a “rant” and may jar a few peoples’ nerves. On one hand, my intention is not to cause any discontent; on the other hand, if it causes discontent then I’m grateful I’ve given you something deeper to consider.

Actually, almost three years now I would occasionally be reminded about the seeming inconsistency of calling the Law of Attraction a “Law.” If it’s a law like gravity, why does it seem to work for some people and not others?

Some teachers have attempted to reconcile this by saying it has to do with what you believe, both consciously and subconsciously. They suggest that if you were to align both your conscious beliefs and subconscious beliefs with what you want to attract, then you will attract it like magic.

Sounds good doesn’t it?

My intention is not to criticize other approaches to manifestation, but rather, to call into question the inconsistencies. Why is it that the Law of Gravity doesn’t require us to change our subconscious beliefs, but the Law of Attraction does? (more…)

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I suppose by now you’re thinking…

That this person is a nut - either that, or they've read the book The Secret and it's totally taken over their mind. Well, I'm not a nut - well no more than anybody else.  I have read The Secret, and it DID change my life, but not in the way you're thinking. I haven't manifested unlimited wealth and prosperity, or my dream car, or my perfect life. What The Secret did for me was to encourage me to change the way I think.  But it encouraged.  I did the changing.  I'm the one who decided that I could sit and dwell on the ho hum gloomy glum stuff that was going on in my life, or I could take 2 minutes and find the good and happy and positives in my day. That's all I want people to do - find the good in their day and CELEBRATE it.  Even if it's finding a penny on the ground.  I mean, hey, that's one more penny than you had previously, and it's one more penny closer to that million dollars, right? Be Positive, and remember - today has LIMITLESS POSSIBILITIES! If you want to receive the daily positive thought in…

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