Don’t Just Pay LIP SERVICE to your Affirmations
I have a set of affirmations I say on a daily basis, and with that I have a routine. I usually say them while driving my car on my way to work. On some levels this works great. I have a scheduled set time when I do them, and they get done, but on another level, I discovered this isn't working out too well. Why? Because I'm focusing, as I should, on my driving, and NOT on my affirmations. I'm NOT feeling them, I'm NOT believing that that is how my life is right now. Instead, I'm going through the motions of saying them as I make my way through the traffic on the highway to work. Doing my affirmations this way means I'm not manifesting what I truly want as quickly and as effectively as I should. I AM manifesting, but not with the speed I could and should be. Don't just pay lip service to your affirmations, visualizations and meditation. Set aside time to focus on them completely with your entire being. You deserve the break, and you deserve to manifest your heart's desires.