But That’s Not Spiritual – Chris Cade
by Chris Cade I can't count the number of times in the past that I've thought to myself something wasn't "spiritual." In my case, a lot of it had to do with work and not getting enough sleep. I didn't think that working could be spiritual (after all, it's just money, right?). When I had really bad sleep problems and insomnia, I didn't think sleep was "spiritual." Sleep was just another thing on the "to do" list in my already too-few-hours in a day.I thought my job was separate from my spiritual life. I thought that what I ate, how I ate it, and whether I exercised was physical (NOT SPIRITUAL). I believed my friendships and relationships weren't spiritual. And the reason I thought those things weren't "spiritual" is because they didn't fit into my idea of what was spiritual. I only considered things like "meditation" or "seminars" or "workshops" to be spiritual. If I wasn't doing those things, then whatever I was doing was not "spiritual." I was always separating in my mind, heart, and in my life, what was spiritual from what was not. And whether we realize it or not (I didn't at the time), this kind of…