It’s all Part of the Learning Curve
I've learned a LOT about people and human nature lately. Sadly, a lot of it is very disappointing, and I am disturbed by the nature of people who profess to be caring individuals. They pay lip service to doing the right thing and their desire to help, but then turn around and do things that are so contrary to their statements. It saddens me, but I'm trying to put the lessons I've learned to good use. Again it's a case of realizing that while I can't control the actions of others, I can certainly control how I REact to their actions. I was prepared to write a scathing post, and publicly call people out on what I consider atrocious behavior, but at what cost? It's NOT going to change them, or impact them in any way, and it's only going to serve to fuel my anger. So instead, took some time and thought about their actions, and how they made me feel, and how they impacted me. Now, I want to thank them, because I have had a life lesson reinforced and I am growing into a better person because of it. P.S. I will be getting out a…