It’s all Part of the Learning Curve

I've learned a LOT about people and human nature lately.  Sadly, a lot of it is very disappointing, and I am disturbed by the nature of people who profess to be caring individuals.  They pay lip service to doing the right thing and their desire to help, but then turn around and do things that are so contrary to their statements.  It saddens me, but I'm trying to put the lessons I've learned to good use.  Again it's a case of realizing that while I can't control the actions of others,  I can certainly control how I REact to their actions. I was prepared to write a scathing post, and publicly call people out on what I consider atrocious behavior, but at what cost?  It's NOT going to change them, or impact them in any way, and it's only going to serve to fuel my anger.  So instead,  took some time and thought about their actions, and how they made me feel, and how they impacted me.  Now, I want to thank them, because I have had a life lesson reinforced and I am growing into a better person because of it.   P.S.  I will be getting out a…

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Two Little Words – So Many Feelings

I received an email today from a very nice gentleman in London today.  It wasn't a long email, in fact it was very short.  It touched on the weather and then, the author of the letter thanked me.  He told me he read the Daily Positive Thought every day and he was grateful to receive them. I cannot tell you how much that letter meant to me.  I smiled for HOURS just thinking about it and in fact, it spurred me on to write this blog post.  This wonderful gentleman took two minutes out of his day and said Thank You, and it totally turned my day around. Of course I responded to his email, telling him how much I appreciated hearing from him and how much it meant to me - hopefully, I was able to give back to him, some of the great feelings he gave to me! It's pretty cool, when you think about it.  We all have the power to bring these feelings to other people.  All it takes is a sincere and heartfelt thank you.  Two words that carry carry so much clout. Thank you - that's all it takes. So I want to take…


Sometimes you need a swift kick in the tookus

I've been in kind of a gloomy, depressing mood lately.  Okay, let me be completely honest, I've been MISERABLE.  Nothing I've done has een able to pull me out of the gloomy mood.  I honestly tried everything I could think of.  Nothing worked.  Now I receive many different motivational type things on a daily basis, and even they weren't helping me.  And then, yesterday, I got this, from Making Peace with My Today Will Improve My Future... It may sound odd, but the fastest way to get to a new-and-improved situation is to make peace with your current situation. By making lists of the most positive aspects you can find about your current situation, you then release your resistance to the improvements that are waiting for you. But if you rail against the injustices of your current situation, you hold yourself in Vibrational alignment with what you do not want, and you cannot then move in the direction of improvement. It defies Law. In every particle of the Universe, there is that which is wanted - and the lack of it. Talk about a kick in the behind.  And honestly, it's all stuff I KNOW, sometimes, you just need someon…

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