Why Blog, journal or keep a diary

I’ve had a lot to say this week, but oddly, I haven’t said a thing.  Why?  Because the things I’ve had to share are painful.  I hurt badly, but in the pain there are positives.  And that is why it is very helpful to blog or journal or whatever you choose to call it.  Sometimes, taking those painful thoughts, and writing them down, can oftentimes allow you to find some positives.  Not always.  I’m not so naive to believe that every situation has a sunny rainbow lining, but sometimes there are sunny rainbow linings – you just have to search to find them. 

And so i hurt, but at the same time, I’m learning that with the pain comes growth.  That is a very positive thought indeed, for if we do not grow, we stagnate and then die.  So even though it hurts, I’m grateful, because it means I’m alive, I’m learning and I’m growing.